Best diet for weight loss
11 Best Dietary Modifications for Obesity That Actually Work Resulting Weight Los...

Obesity is a complex disease that has reached epidemic proportions in many parts of the globe. With the advent of technology, modern-day lifestyle and dietary habits, the cases of obesity have sky-rocketed over the turn of the century. Several factors can cause obesity, such as psychological factors like stress or anger, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, socio-economic […]

Habits to prevent obesity
1200 Calorie Indian Diet Plan to Control Obesity and 9 Best Habits for Prevention

Obesity is a common health condition in which an individual has a high amount of body fat. A body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more signals obesity. It has become widespread and is a significant concern for governments across the globe. The lifestyle changes seen in the latter half of the 20th century drove […]

What are the 10 worst habits that make you fat
10 Worst Habits That Make You Fat – Diet and Lifestyle Tips For Weight Loss...

Between the busy work schedule and the time we are glued up in front of our phone, computer or TV screen, we lose track of our fitness goals. Lately, food habits have also changed drastically due to the multitude of packaged, processed, and instant foods filling up supermarket racks. Bad habits such as an unhealthy […]

Best foods to prevent and treat acid reflux
7 Best Foods For Acid Reflux – A Diet Plan to Treat Heartburn

Is that annoying and, at times, painful burning sensation in your chest bothering you? Considering how common the condition is, it is safe to presume that you have acid reflux. The long-term impact of this condition could be severe; therefore, it is essential to resolve the problem at the onset. There are myriad factors that […]

Best diet tips to treat diabetes
10 Healthy Eating Tips for Diabetes Management

There are very few health conditions that are as discussed as diabetes. This is a condition that has seen a steady rise in recent times due to lifestyle factors. As is the case with several other diseases, your eating habits play a central role in both causing and managing them. Diabetes occurs due to a […]

Natural ways and diet plan to manage hypertension
7 Natural Remedies and Diet Plan to Control Hypertension

Tension is a term that all of us are well acquainted with in today’s world. Tension, stress, anxiety, call it what you want. But the results of dealing with this emotional state, in the long run, can often lead to the same not-so delightful outcomes. Although the central theme in the following article is not […]

causes, symptoms and remedies of stomach ulcer
Stomach Ulcer: Its Causes, Symptoms And Remedies

In this rat race of ours, stomach ulcer or gastric ulcer is slowly turning into a common phenomenon. A stomach ulcer is an open sore that primarily develops on the lining of the stomach. They mainly occur when the protective mucus on the lining becomes inactive. But releasing this mucus is essential for our digestive […]

Acid Reflux: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Most of us suffer from an acute problem of acidity, and acid reflux is regarded as a common condition which many are not aware of. It causes burning pain in the lower chest area, and this symptom is widely known as Heartburn. It mostly happens when stomach acid gushes back into the food pipe. Gastroesophageal […]

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