10 Worst Habits That Make You Fat – Diet and Lifestyle Tips For Weight Loss That Work

Reviewed by: | Author: Manoja Kalakanti

Between the busy work schedule and the time we are glued up in front of our phone, computer or TV screen, we lose track of our fitness goals. Lately, food habits have also changed drastically due to the multitude of packaged, processed, and instant foods filling up supermarket racks. Bad habits such as an unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle have resulted in a rise in obesity. In this article, we’ll talk about the 10 worst habits that make you fat! Worst habits that make you fat

It has also become the norm to consume an excessive amount of calories inadvertently. This is a direct result of the addition of various ingredients such as sugar, salt and oil in a number of packaged foods that we devour. Hence, that fat tummy must not come as a surprise. This article will help you gain a clear perspective on the diet and lifestyle modifications required for weight loss.

10 Worst Habits That Make You Fat

If you wish to know how not to get fat, you must first understand the root cause of the problem. It is often the little habits that cause weight gain. While genetics and myriad health conditions may cause obesity, the biggest reason attributed to weight gain is diet and lifestyle. A drastic shift in our habits due to rapid urbanisation and the resultant change in dietary and lifestyle habits are the primary causes of obesity.

Bad habits that make you fat

Are your efforts at losing weight or arresting the unwanted gains failing miserably? Are you trying to figure out a way to get rid of that stubborn stomach fat? But remember, not all fats are equally dangerous. It is the visceral fat, which is stored in the abdominal cavity, that influences the hormones and is dangerous. It can lead to health complications such as type 2 diabetes. You’ll be surprised to learn how simple daily habits lead to successful weight management and thereby avert such risks.

1. Irregular Sleep Patterns

Sleeping is essential for good health. A lack of sleep may result in severe health problems such as heart diseases and diabetes. Most people understand the importance of good sleep, yet very few ensure that they get enough sleep. Modern-day lifestyle problems such as overworking, stress, and spending too much time in front of screens have resulted in inconsistent sleeping patterns. Lack of sleep can fluctuate hormone levels, which affects cortisol levels and lower metabolic rate, thus leading to weight gain. People who stay awake late into the night also tend to consume unhealthy foods high in calories.

2. Alcohol Intake

A glass of wine before you doze off might seem tempting, but it is quite the opposite. Drinking any alcoholic beverage before bedtime may inhibit your ability to get undisturbed sleep. Regular consumption of alcohol can hinder your body’s ability to burn fat effectively and may also slow down metabolism.

3. Unhealthy Food Habits

This one’s an obvious obstacle in your weight management, and perhaps the most common factor too. While binge eating unhealthy foods can result in weight gain, even consuming small portions of unhealthy foods regularly can be harmful. Fried foods, foods rich in trans fat, sugary desserts, refined carbohydrates, foods with high sodium, and junk food are extremely high in calories. Even a small portion of these foods can boost your calorie intake and cause a caloric surplus.

4. Lack of Physical Activity

Another neglected aspect of healthy living is a lack of physical activity. Many of the diseases afflicting us today are attributed to a sedentary lifestyle. The lack of activity coupled with bad dietary habits are two factors responsible for most weight-related issues. The unhealthy foods that many of us consume are high in calories. Exercise can help burn this excess calorie. When you don’t exercise, these calories build up, turn into fat and lead to weight gain. The desk jobs, excess amount of time spent in front of screens, and a drastic lifestyle change due to urbanisation have led to a severe lack of exercise.

5. Less Water Intake

Water does far more than quench your thirst. Hydrating yourself is not only necessary for survival, it has other benefits as well. Water keeps our skin healthy, our digestive system running smoothly and helps with other health conditions. Dehydration can cause fatigue, which is often misunderstood as hunger, leading to more consumption of food. At times people may also drink sugary beverages to quench thirst. All these would lead to weight gain. Studies have shown that people who drink water before a meal tend to gain less weight than their counterparts.

6. Eating Late at Nights

This is among the most unhealthy ways to gain weight. While the theory of a slower metabolism is nothing more than a myth, other factors also make this an unhealthy habit. There are multiple repercussions of this habit. People tend to consume sugary and other unhealthy snacks late into the night. This behaviour affects sleep, which is critical in weight loss.

7. Excess Intake of Salt

It can be challenging to keep track of the amount of salt you consume in a day. Salt is everywhere! Apart from the amount that we add to our diet, salt can be found in almost every processed and packaged food or snack. Most of us consume far more than the recommended amount of salt.

8. Lack of Sleep

Studies have shown that people who sleep for 5 hours or less gained more weight than those who sleep more. Even sleeping too much has been attributed to weight gain. Experts suggest 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Lack of proper sleep causes excessive hunger during the daytime, thus leading to overconsumption of food.

9. Change in food habits

A sudden change of diet, even healthy, can result in weight gain. A change in diet will cause fluctuations in calorie intake and also result in your metabolism slowing down. The metabolism takes time to adjust to new food.

10. Skipping breakfasts

You must have hard experts reiterate that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. They aren’t wrong. Breakfast gives you the right boost of energy to kickstart your day. It also satiates your hunger and fulfils calorie requirements after an overnight fasting period. Missing your breakfast will push you to consume a large meal later on. It will also result in your craving for sugary and fatty foods.

Small changes in your dietary and lifestyle habits are sufficient to help you lose weight. Below are some expert tips for weight loss.


Diet and Lifestyle Tips For Weight Loss

As you just read, the above habits are the worst habits that make you fat. A few tweaks in your habits can make all the difference in weight management.

Diet and lifestyle changes to help you lose weight

Keep reading for the best diet and lifestyle tips from certified nutritionists.

Diet Tips And Lifestyle Changes For Weight Loss

There are perhaps plenty of questions that are hovering over your head. Does eating fast make you fat? Am I following the proper diet rules? Below are some expert tips that can help answer your questions and assist you with your fat loss goal.

  • Start with a healthy breakfast to fuel your day.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Fill your home with healthy, nourishing foods.
  • Don’t leave your healthy-eating goals to chance.
  • Eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables by including different types and colours every day.
  • Consume complex carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, which are also good sources of vitamins, minerals, and fibre).
  • Include whole grains, legumes or beans, nuts and seeds in your diet.
  • Include fibre, which can keep you feeling full for longer periods and aid in weight loss.
  • Opt for lean meats and poultry, fish, and eggs, which contain a good amount of protein that reduces your appetite and boosts metabolism.
  • Choose primarily low-fat dairy products, such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese.
  • Avoid or limit intake of processed and junk foods that contain saturated fat, added salt, added sugars.
  • Learn to be politely picky when eating out.
  • Remain consistent
  • Maintain a bedtime routine to get enough sleep each night
  • Manage stress
  • Workout regularly

Ultimately, it is not just one of two random factors that result in obesity. An array of factors that involve diet and physical activity are responsible for unhealthy weight gain. Follow these tips if you are still unsure about how to stop being fat.


Weight gain, if not controlled, could result in severe illnesses. The first step towards arresting unhealthy weight gain is to recognise the problem area. Understand the habits that are causing the piling up of weight and take measures to counter them. A simple tweak in your dietary or lifestyle habits can make a huge difference. So, swap that unhealthy snack with a healthier alternative and hit the gym to burn some calories!


1. What bad habits cause weight gain?

These are the most common bad habits that lead to weight gain:

  • Irregular sleep patterns
  • Alcohol Intake
  • Unhealthy Food Habits
  • Smoking
  • Lack of Physical Activity
  • Less water Intake
  • Eating Late at Nights
  • High salt intake
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Lack of Sleep
  • Change In food habits
  • Skipping breakfasts

2. What are the 5 unhealthy habits?

Below are the unhealthy habits that may cause weight gain.

  • Lack of sleep
  • Physical inactivity
  • Smoking
  • Excessive drinking
  • Unhealthy diet

3. What makes you fat fast?

Leading a sedentary lifestyle and consuming too many calories can increase your weight quickly. Eating processed foods rich in fats, salt and sugar can be blamed for sudden weight gain.

4. What foods make you skinny?

There is no such food that could miraculously make you skinny on its own. However, foods low in fat, refined carbs, sugar, and salt are ideal for a weight loss diet. Also, certain foods such as eggs, leafy greens, lean protein, beans and oatmeal are excellent for weight loss.

5. Can I gain weight by sleeping too much?

Studies have shown that people who sleep too little and those who sleep for too long gain weight. Those who sleep for more than 9 or 10 hours tend to gain more weight. Try to sleep between 7-8 hours every night.

6. Why do I keep gaining weight even though I don’t eat much?

There could be plenty of reasons for gaining weight without eating much. It is possible that the food that you eat is high in calories; you might be living a sedentary lifestyle without much exercise. Genetics and health conditions may also play a part.

7. Can milk make you fat?

High-fat milk or dairy products can increase your weight. Low-fat milk or skimmed milk is a better alternative.

8. Does rice make you fat?

White rice is carbohydrate-rich refined rice after the removal of most of the fibre. Refined foods are known to cause obesity and other health problems. While brown rice is considered a healthier alternative, white rice isn’t as bad as presumed. If you follow a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can consume white rice without any worries.

9. Why am I gaining weight even though I exercise?

Many reasons could be responsible for that. When you start weight or resistance training, it might cause inflammation. Your body retains some amount of water to soothe the inflammation, thus increasing water weight. Diet is another factor; you might gain more weight if your calorie intake is higher than what you burn.

10. Does chocolate make you fat?

Chocolates can make you fat. They contain high amounts of fat and calories. Many chocolates also have an excess of added sugar. But nowadays, there are many healthy options available. So, choose wisely!

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