Work From Home in COVID19
How to be Mentally and Physically Fit While Working From Home – Home Isolat...

The pandemic has turned our lives upside down. We were all caught up in our daily routines revolving around packing lunch, travel, office timings, weekends, and outdoor plans. Then, the COVID-19 outbreak changed our lives overnight, landing us in a situation where we had to stay home, stay safe, and continue working from home.

Immunity Boosting Recipe
10 Immunity Boosting Recipes – Minimise the risk of Viruses and Infections

The global pandemic outbreak has proved one thing – healthier people are always best equipped to keep contagious infections at bay because they have robust immune systems. At the same time, it has also shown that people with an unhealthy lifestyle have their immune systems compromised, and they are the most vulnerable to virus attacks.

Coronavirus and Obesity
COVID-19 Survival Guide for Obesity Disorder – Improve Immunity and Fight Virus...

The COVID-19 outbreak has globally sensitized people to re-examine their health condition. We are stuck in a Pandemic situation with no vaccine to protect us from the virus to date. With only a few measures within our control to follow, improving our health and immunity are the only biggest weapons to guard ourselves against the […]

How Can We Lose 300 Calories in a Day?

Planning to burn 300 calories a day? Wait a minute, is that even possible? It’s so hard to lose an extra kilo, and whatever we do, we aren’t quite getting the results we want. But hey! Don’t give up as yet, as there are some secret hacks that can help you burn some extra calories, […]

hardboiled eggs
10 Incredible Health Benefits of Eating Eggs

I am an eggetarian! Well, if a word like that even exists! Okay, there is, Collins dictionary acknowledges this word and I know this is a perfect word to describe me, because what will you call a person who can eat eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? So, much so that if I didn’t have […]

Strong Muscles
10 Best Foods and 10 Exercise Plan for Weight Loss and Muscle Gain – 6 Pote...

Are you into the gym diet plan for muscle gain, trying to lose fat and gain muscles in the process? You and countless others are on ‘mission fitness plan,’ working towards getting the perfect body, but, wanting is so much different from achieving it. However, when you pair the two goals together, you get awesome […]

13 High Protein Foods That Help in Weight Loss – 11 Vegetarian and 2 Non-Vegeta...

“Eat more protein and go on a high protein diet plan”, said my gym instructor when I complained that I was not losing enough fat, nor was I gaining the lean muscles that I wanted to. He said it almost matter-of-factly, but it sent me thinking; are high protein foods the key to weight loss […]

Healthy Carbohydrate Food Sources
What is Carb Cycling? – Making the Most of This Weight Loss Diet

You have heard about high-carb diets and you have heard about low-carb diets, but have you heard about the carb cycling diet? You must be wondering why everything seems to be about the carbs. That’s because carbs are an essential part of your diet and it makes no sense to leave them out from your […]

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