Category: Fitness

diet plan before and after gym session

Fuel Your Body with Diet Before and After Gym Session

The human body is a wonder machine working day in and day out without any error but with substantial downtime for recharging. Like any other artificial machine, the human body runs effortlessly on fuel fed into its system. The fuel is the food that we intake essential for its errorless …

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quick delicious weightloss smoothie recepies

11 Quick And Delicious Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes You Need To Try

As summer approaches, the weather gets warm, and we want to spend most of our time outside soaking up the sun’s rays. Gulping down on a cool, refreshing homemade smoothie makes the time spent outside even more pleasant. If you’re looking to lose weight, I’m sure a tasty smoothie is …

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Control Brittle Diabetes

How to Control Brittle Diabetes – Effective Ways to Manage Sugar Levels Through Diet

Diabetes is a metabolic condition that affects many people. The disorder interferes with the body’s glucose metabolism and control, causing blood sugar levels to rise. As a result, many issues may arise, potentially jeopardizing the patient’s life. If you’ve had diabetes for a while, you’ve probably heard the term brittle …

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Varicose veins

5 Best and Effective Exercises to Treat Varicose Veins Naturally

Have you been sitting for long periods without engaging in any physical activity? Check your legs for purple-colored web-like structures, most typically found on the calves and thighs. If you notice something like this, you may have varicose veins. Varicose veins affect both men and women, although we think of …

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Intense exercise and the risk of heart attack

How Intense Workouts Can Kill You – Heart Attacks, Risks Associated with Over Exercising

Exercise is good, we all know that. In fact, it’s been constantly reiterated by our parents and elders. With the advent of social media, a slew of fitness experts has also joined the chorus, propagating the age-old natural remedy to all illnesses. So, it sounds ironic when people say that …

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Natural ways and diet plan to manage hypertension

7 Natural Remedies and Diet Plan to Control Hypertension

Tension is a term that all of us are well acquainted with in today’s world. Tension, stress, anxiety, call it what you want. But the results of dealing with this emotional state, in the long run, can often lead to the same not-so delightful outcomes. Although the central theme in …

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Avoid obesity and stay with during quarantine

10 Ways to Avoid Obesity and Stay Fit When Working From Home

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of society, and our way of working has not escaped its clutches. The work from home situation is a reality that very few expected, and it has been welcomed with open arms. While the work from home vs work from office debate rages …

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Nutrition - An essential part of fitness

Why Nutrition Is An Essential Part Of Fitness

In recent times, it has become essential to take care of your health, so a focus on fitness, nutrition and going to the gym can certainly help you stay fit and healthy. Food plays a vital role for us, and it can sometimes determine the way we look and feel …

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