Indian Foods and Lifestyle Tips for Managing Blood Glucose Levels

Reviewed by: | Author: Manoja Kalakanti

The prevalence of non-communicable diseases like increased blood sugar levels has dramatically increased recently. According to research, there are now 101 million people in the world who have diabetes, which represents 11.4% of the country’s total population. Eating a diabetes-friendly diet, which contains lots of fruits, vegetables, and proteins while avoiding sugary foods and foods with a high glycemic index, can help reduce the chance of developing diabetes or help someone who already has it manage their condition.

Monitoring Diabetes

In this blog, you will learn tips on managing your blood glucose levels with minor yet significant changes in your lifestyle.

Understanding Glycemic Index

The relative ranking of how various carbohydrates affect blood sugar is known as the glycemic index (GI). Eating foods that don’t produce significant blood sugar (glucose) increases is one of the greatest methods to control your glucose levels if you have type 2 diabetes. You may adjust your meals to keep your blood sugar levels within a normal range by knowing the glycemic index of the carbs you consume. Compared to foods with a lower GI, foods with a higher GI value are more likely to cause a blood sugar increase.

The GI is a scale that ranks carbohydrates according to how much they elevate blood sugar on a range of 1 to 100. Whole foods like unprocessed grains, non-starchy vegetables, and fruits typically have a lower GI than processed meals like candies, bread, cake, and cookies. Low GI carbohydrates digest, absorb, and metabolize more gradually than their high GI counterparts. Typically, they result in a lower and more gradual rise in blood glucose and, consequently, insulin levels.

Top 10 Traditional Indian Super Foods for Blood Glucose

If you have diabetes, you know how challenging it is to control your food and blood sugar levels. While some foods can aid in managing diabetes, others can cause blood sugar levels to surge. For people with diabetes, maintaining blood sugar levels is mainly dependent on food. There are numerous mouthwatering meals in Indian cuisine that are savory and nourishing. However, due to the high sugar and carbohydrate content of many Indian dishes, care must be taken when choosing foods suitable for people with diabetes. These are the foods to lower blood glucose levels:

1. Fenugreek seeds

One of the best superfoods for preventing and controlling diabetes mellitus is fenugreek seeds, often known as Methi seeds. According to studies, fenugreek slows down how quickly starches and other carbohydrates are digested, which lowers blood sugar levels.

Additionally, it appears that Methi seeds can improve the metabolic issues frequently associated with diabetes mellitus, according to multiple research trials. According to one study, even 100 grams of fenugreek seeds appeared to lower fasting blood sugar levels.

2. Millets

Small seed grasses known as millets are cultivated in Asia and Africa semi-arid regions. Magnesium, a mineral crucial to starch digestion, is abundant in all millets. Many carbohydrate-digesting enzymes, including those that control how insulin works, are produced by magnesium. According to research, eating whole grains high in magnesium can help reduce the incidence of type-2 diabetes. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that calcium in low-fat dairy products lowers the incidence of type-2 diabetes.

3. Bitter gourd

One of the earliest recognized natural treatments for lowering blood sugar levels is karela or bitter gourd. Research shows karela has at least three naturally occurring compounds with substantial glucose-lowering potential. They are charantin, vicine, and a polypeptide-p substance resembling insulin. Karela, famous as the bitter gourd, also includes lectin, which lowers blood sugar levels by suppressing appetite. For these reasons and more, it should be included in any diet plan for Type 2 Diabetes.

4. Oats

Ever wonder why oatmeal is so beneficial for those with Type 2 Diabetes and even for those looking to lose weight? It contains a lot of soluble fiber, which becomes a paste when combined with water. In the same way, it adheres to your dish, it also creates a gooey barrier between the starch molecules in your food and the digestive enzymes in your stomach.

5. Seeds

We enjoy eating muskmelon and watermelon, but we discard the seeds. You’ll be shocked to learn that their sources are incredibly nutrient-rich in addition to other grains. Although you might not be able to consume them with the fruit, you can grind them and combine them with another dish or beverage. They are a fantastic diabetic food since they are low in carbohydrates, offer healthy fats, and have a high fiber content. Possible uses flax, sesame, watermelon, and muskmelon seeds to create its own Seeds Cocktail.

6. Brown rice

We rely heavily on rice, and brown rice is a fantastic way to manage diabetes when eating Indian food. Brown rice, as opposed to white rice, is very nourishing. It is a source of the crucial mineral selenium, which supports thyroid health and is an antioxidant. One of the best sources of the mineral manganese, which helps a healthy neural system, is found in this food.

Superoxide dismutase is an antioxidant enzyme produced with manganese’s help. They are all advantageous for the long-term prevention of diabetes and the digestion of starches. Brown rice can be used in place of white rice in various dishes. We provide instructions for making brown rice bisi belle bath and green-brown rice.

7. Quinoa

It is supposed to supply all the essential amino acids our body cannot manufacture on its own and to have a high protein-to-carbohydrate ratio. It offers 8 grams of protein in one cup, making it a significant vegetarian source.

Quinoa is tolerated well by everyone and is gluten-free. Due to its high potassium content, it is a perfect diet for both high blood pressure and diabetic mellitus. Therefore, it ought to be on the list of Indian foods to manage diabetes.

8. Spinach

A wonderful non-starchy vegetable that is a crucial source of nutrition for the eyes. Due to their increased risk of blindness, people with diabetes need to consume this substance in large quantities. The potassium content in a cup of cooked spinach is 839 mg.

9. Legumes

This high-protein, high-fiber, low-fat diet lowers the risk of heart disease and diabetes. To minimize blood sugar spikes that aggravate diabetes blood sugar control and make you feel hungry, the fiber slows the release of glucose into your system. Also helpful for losing weight are legumes.

10. Extra virgin oil

Your kitchen’s cooking oil has to be changed. Monounsaturated fats, which are abundant in extra virgin oil, aid in reducing levels of “bad” cholesterol. Due to the increased risk of heart attacks and strokes in diabetic individuals, switching the cooking oil will be very advantageous.

Effect Of Lifestyle on Diabetes

Maintaining fasting blood glucose levels within the range your doctor advises can be difficult. That’s because various factors can alter your blood sugar levels, sometimes inadvertently. With significant changes in lifestyle because of long working hours and demeaning food habits, the causes of unbalanced blood glucose levels have sharply increased. The factors listed below may impact the amount of sugar in your blood.

1. Food intake

Healthy life, whether or not you have diabetes, starts with good nutrition. You must understand how foods impact your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes. Not only is it what you eat, but also how much you consume and the combinations of different kinds of food you consume. With an increase in calorie-rich food, there have been severe changes in blood glucose levels in people.

2. Exercise or physical activity

Another crucial component of your diabetes control strategy is physical activity. Your muscles use sugar or glucose as energy while you work out. Your body uses insulin more effectively when you exercise frequently. These components work together to reduce your blood sugar levels. With increasing exercise intensity, the impact lasts longer. However, even routine activities like housework, gardening, or prolonged standing might cause your blood sugar to drop. Obviously, with everything getting automatic and easy these days, there has been minimal to no physical activity involvement by people. This has triggered many health issues besides just an imbalance in blood glucose levels.

3. Medications

When diet and exercise alone are insufficient for treating your diabetes, insulin and other diabetes drugs are intended to lower your blood sugar levels. However, when and how many medications are taken will determine their efficacy. Your blood sugar levels may be impacted by medicines you take for diseases other than diabetes.

4. Illnesses

The body produces stress-related hormones while you are ill to aid in the body’s battle against sickness, but they can also cause a rise in blood sugar levels. Regular exercise and appetite changes could make managing your diabetes more difficult.

5. Alcohol

The liver frequently releases stored sugar in response to lowering blood sugar levels. However, if your liver is preoccupied with alcohol metabolism, it might not be able to increase your blood sugar level. Alcohol use can cause low blood sugar immediately after consumption and up to 24 hours afterward.

You can anticipate changes and make plans accordingly the more you are aware of the variables that affect your blood sugar level. Moreover, knowing what you are doing wrong will help you work on yourself and avoid related problems in the future.

Indian Diet Plan to Help Lowering Blood Glucose Levels

Diet Plan For Lower Blood Glucose levels

When To Consult a Nutritionist

If your blood sugar levels are consistently high throughout the day, if they rise simultaneously every day, or if you are experiencing signs of high blood sugar like drinking or urinating (peeing) a lot more frequently than usual, you should call your doctor.

Get in touch with an expert nutritionist, who will provide you with elaborate customized diabetic meal plans. It is quite important to understand that for every diabetic individual, the needs and requirements are quite different, hence one diet plan will not effectively work on two different individuals. However, a sample diet plan can be followed just to manage diabetes for average people suffering from diabetes.

Final Words

Persons with type-2 diabetes who use specific diabetes medications may frequently experience low blood glucose levels. The glycemic index of foods can be helpful, but it shouldn’t be your primary tool for managing blood sugar levels. The glycemic index should be used in conjunction with carb counting and an increase in fiber intake. Lifestyle modifications include eating a generally balanced diet, exercising frequently, and using good portion control. Modifying lifestyle behaviors like focusing on portion control, regular physical activity, and regular blood sugar monitoring to effectively manage blood glucose levels. Getting better sleep can also massively contribute to approaching a diabetes-free life.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How to reduce blood glucose levels?

Methods for Lowering Blood Sugar
Regularly moving around.
Watch your carb intake.
Consume more fiber.
Take in a lot of water.
Eat in moderation.
Maintain stress control.
Get adequate rest.

2. Does BMI affect blood glucose levels?

Yes, the BMI (Body Mass Index) can affect blood sugar levels, especially in connection to the onset and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Based on a person’s height and weight, BMI calculates their body fat percentage.

3. What causes lower blood glucose levels?

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can be caused by a number of things. Here are a few typical reasons:
Diabetes medications
Missing or delayed meals
An excessive amount of exercise

4. Why is it essential to track blood glucose levels?

Tracking blood glucose levels is essential because:
Diabetes management
Treatment adjustments
Preventing complications

5. Which food increases blood sugar levels?

Foods that tend to increase blood sugar levels in the body are often high in glycemic index. Some examples are:
Refined carbohydrate
Sugary drinks
Processed foods
Fatty foods

6. What are the normal values of blood glucose?


7. Why does a skinny person get diabetes?

It’s a prevalent misperception that only those who are overweight or obese get diabetes. But in reality, diabetes can affect anyone with any sort of physique, including those who are thin or have a normal body weight.

8. What are the warning signs of High blood sugar levels?

Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, can result in several symptoms, such as:
Increased thirst
Frequent urination

9. Will doing exercise lowers the blood sugar level?

Yes, exercise can help lower blood sugar levels by increasing insulin resistance, improving glycogen storage, and weight management.

10. Does sleep affects the blood glucose levels?

Yes, sleep can affect how much blood sugar is in the blood. like as
Glucose sensitivity
Hormonal control
Food consumption and appetite

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