cause, symptoms and diagnosis of anemia
Anemia – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Preventive Measures

Anaemia is considered a severe condition where the count of red blood cells dramatically falls, which disables body tissues from getting inadequate oxygen. It is unpredictable by nature and ranges from mild to severe and from temporary to permanent. If you are anemic, you will have a low haemoglobin level, which is regarded as the […]

how to reduce anxiety and stress
Mindfulness Way to Reduce Anxiety and Stress – Exercises & Meditation ...

We all feel sad, stressed, anxious, and at times even depressed. There are moments when you feel as if the weight of the whole world is on your shoulders. Although none of these feelings are new to humans, the modern-day lifestyle has certainly made matters worse as the causes of stress increase every day. We […]

eating disorders and obesity
Why Eating More Food Can Kill You With Obesity and Other Deadly Diseases

Eating extreme amounts of food, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, could lead to obesity and other deadly diseases. These diseases could not only lead to poor health but could also kill you! This article will elaborate on obesity and other eating disorders and how they are more closely related than presumed. We will try to […]

sleeping on one side
9 Nutrients to Add for Better Sleep Quality – 14 Powerful Foods

Food over supplements! Yes, when it comes to healing your body from sickness, food always scores over supplements and if you are having trouble putting yourself to sleep each night, then food for better sleep is the answer to all your sleep problems. The right foods and the right sleep habits will have you sleep […]

Kidney Stone
6 Different Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones – What are Kidney Stones?

The facts are out and they are telling! One in ten people is likely to suffer from kidney stones in their lifetime. Now, if you are wondering what kidney stones are, you’ve come to the right place. Before we divulge different ways to prevent kidney stones, let us first find out they actually are. Kidney […]

Snoring and Breathing Through the Mouth
How to Tackle Snoring Problem – Signs, Symptoms of Loud Snoring

Loud snoring, gentle snoring, and just any kind of snoring does not sound pretty at all; but why do you snore? Is there any way to fix it? Well, we are about to divulge some snoring solutions in this article. Well, I know you want earplugs when you hear someone snore around you. But have […]

Types of sleep apnea
How to Cure Sleep Apnea Naturally at Home – Causes, Treatments

Have you been tossing and turning in your bed lately? Have your family members been complaining that you have been snoring in the middle of the night, waking up everyone? Not to forget, you hardly feel rested after a night full of fitful sleep. And it’s not been one stray incident here and there, it’s […]

Guide: Ultimate Exercises For Diabetes To Control Your Blood Sugar

Diabetes is a killer disease, and India is the diabetes capital of the world. The WHO has some scary facts to share; in India, there are as many as 50 million people suffering from this metabolic disorder. But yes, you don’t have to rave and rant in despair as soon as you get diagnosed with […]

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