10 Best Vegetarian Bodybuilding Foods for Muscle Growth

Muscle building and vegetarian foods don’t go quite hand in hand because protein is the foundation of muscle building and some of the richest sources of protein are non-vegetarian such as lean beef, pork, turkey and fish. So, does that mean vegans and vegetarian don’t stand any chance of building muscles? The answer is “Yes […]

Natural Juices for Digestive Health
10 Amazing Natural Juices for Improving Digestive Health

The temptation for spicy and fat-rich foods is hard to overcome and in most cases we end up indulging in these dishes and more so during the holidays and festive season. These foods not only take a toll on our inches, but also injure our digestive system severely and it is important to soothe and […]

8 Best Types of Sprouts and their Health Benefits

In order to stay healthy and have an envious figure, it is important to choose even your health foods wisely. The recent trend of lean structure, healthy eating habits and physic consciousness has led people turning towards vegetables, fat-free diets and cereal-based meal plans. Sprouts are skinny little vegetables that are big on nutrition. Sprouts […]

Indian Diet for a Pregnant Woman
Important Nutrients to be Included in the Diet for Pregnant Woman

Pregnancy and motherhood are the happiest moments of any woman’s life, and each woman deserves to enjoy and celebrate it to the fullest by being in the pink of health. And this is possible only through a well-balanced and healthy diet that includes all the important nutrients in optimum quantity along with pre and post […]

lose weight
Best North and South Indian 1200 Calorie Diet Plans for Weight Loss

We have already done an article on a generalized 1200 calorie diet plan and its benefits, but in reality a generalized diet plan is not enough as far as our country is concerned, with such varied cultures and customs and equally diverse food habits, one is always at loss as to what foods to include […]

Detox Diet Plan
30 Day Detox Diet Plan Challenge to Lose Weight – Do’s and Don’...

Have you ever opted for a detox diet plan to get rid your own body toxins? Majority of people are stuck to their daily normal American diets that are loaded with sugar, artificial sweeteners and other overly processed foods. Detox diet or detoxification is a common term for westerners and it turned a common practice […]

Amazing Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Plan – Pyramid Recipes

Healthy people are those who live in healthy homes on a healthy diet. If you are looking for a healthy eating plan, then Mediterranean diet might be the right one for you. Many environmentalists, chefs and dietitians across the world agree that incorporating Mediterranean diet in our lives is one of the best healthy diet […]

Good Nutritional Foods to Build Muscles – Healthy Diet Plan

If you think staying fit is rocket science, then how about gaining that V- shaped look you dream for? Building muscles in not rocket science, it requires consistent hard work with discipline. Most of us assume that we can get our body trained perfectly at gym and build muscles with time. Is that all required […]

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