Category: Healthy Drinks

quick delicious weightloss smoothie recepies

11 Quick And Delicious Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes You Need To Try

As summer approaches, the weather gets warm, and we want to spend most of our time outside soaking up the sun’s rays. Gulping down on a cool, refreshing homemade smoothie makes the time spent outside even more pleasant. If you’re looking to lose weight, I’m sure a tasty smoothie is …

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Healthy Food for Summer

Beat The Heat With 7 Body Cooling Healthy Foods In This Summer

Summer is full of possibilities. The summer season is in high gear, and if the scorching heat is any indication, we’re in for some high temperatures later this year. We associate summer with ice cream, swimming pools, summer camps, and road trips. However, due to the scorching summer heat, one …

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Cardamom tea for

10 Amazing Benefits of Cardamom Tea – Healthy and Flavourful Drink

Do you love to sip on cardamom tea when you want a break from the regular caffeine fix? It is a great way to relax and recuperate after a hard day’s work. Cardamom hailed as the ‘queen of spices’, joins the elevated ranks of some of the most expensive spices …

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7 Natural Bed Time Beverages for Weight loss – 7 Power Drinks for Detox

How would you feel if we told you about bedtime weight loss drinks that can help you shed the extra pounds while you are snoozing away to glory? You would look incredulous and say “is that even possible?” Okay, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when …

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