Category: Foods


20 Best Foods for Instant Stamina and 7 Power Foods for Athletes

Either you run the day or the day runs you over! And what is that one thing that stops you from running your day? I think it is stamina. Before I define stamina, let’s find out what happens if you don’t have loads of it. Well, it proves difficult to …

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5 Benefits of Good Carbs and 8 Good Carb Foods for Weight Loss

“I gained, I lost and I gained again!” If you are racking your brains trying to make head or tail of this statement, don’t worry, this is just a snippet from my weight loss journey. All, because I bungled up big time with my diet and I left out the …

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10 Best Natural Foods to Boost Your Energy – 3 High Energy Recipes

Do you feel an energy slump at the end of the day? What do you do then, reach out for your caffeine laden drinks or worse still, reach out for those fizzy sugary drinks? I did that too! Yes, guilty as charged! Whenever I felt drained of energy, my cup …

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Hanging Exercise

Top 20 Foods and Exercises for How to Increase Height Naturally

Having a tall and shapely figure definitely has its perks. It not only makes you look great in your outfits but also gives a boost to your confidence. But for some people, growth hormones don’t seem to be working quite effectively while others seem to have a sudden growth spurt. …

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List of Foods containing potassium

Food Habits and Lifestyle Changes to Boost Your Energy Internally – Recipes and Facts

If you have ever felt sluggish, tired and burned out, the lack of balanced food could be a reason for this condition. For humans, food and molecular oxygen is the richest source of energy. While oxygen is available through respiration, energy from food is available through a balanced diet of …

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Helathy Tuna salad recipe

6 Best Tasty Tuna Salad Recipes to Make at Home – Healthy Tuna Salads

When it comes to fish, make your cat’s favorite yours! Yes, have tuna fish. Why tuna fish, you ask? Tuna can be made part of a healthy dietary regime because of its super amazing health benefits. It can provide you with a daily dose of omega 3 fatty acids, potassium …

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Benefits of Probiotics on your Health

Top 10 Probiotic Rich Foods and Recipes with Healing Benefits for your Body

Say hello to our second brain – our gut! Surprised much? You really needn’t be, as our gut has far greater impact on our body than we give it credit for. More and more research has substantiated the fact that we have more bacteria in our body than cells. So …

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Hemp Seed Energy Balls

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds and 4 Tasty Recipes

Hail hemp seed, the new seed on the block which is almost reaching superfood status like other rival fellow seeds, chia, flax, and watermelon. Well, even though that sounds mildly exaggerated, if you get a lowdown of the benefits of hemp seeds, you will be totally amazed at its incredible …

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