Category: Foods


Top 11 Healthy Smoothie Recipes to Drive Away Winter Blues

Is winter your favourite season? Or do you actually not care too much for the cold winds and dry weather that is an inextricable part of the winter months? If you are thinking about how to keep yourself warm and fuzzy this winter, then we have just the thing for …

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9 Health Benefits of Bok Choy to Fight Cancer, Boost Immunity and Lose Weight

Bok Choy, also known as Chinese cabbage, hails from the cruciferous family and has a mild flavor, making it an able ally in dishes like stir-fries, side dishes, soups, and great even for raw consumption. The list of bok choy nutrition facts is pretty long and reason enough for you …

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Top 3 Milk Alternatives with Tasty Recipes and Health Benefits

Lactose intolerance or dairy intolerance is largely known to be a digestive problem, but it is actually a problem which affects more of us than we would like to think! While less than 5% of the UK population is affected, up to 50% of the populations of South America, Africa, …

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Nutty balls

Top 7 Dry Fruit Recipes to Curb Hunger Pangs and Be Healthy

Drat that hunger pang which threatens to jeopardize your weight loss journey! You have had a meager lunch and an even more meager dinner; and just when you think you’ve conquered all your hunger pangs, you lose the battle, the war and all the day’s efforts go down the drain. …

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Healthy Food Choices in Indian, Chinese, British and American Cuisines

Don’t we all just love to eat? Don’t we all have a sincere love towards food? Don’t we all look at food as something much more than just a way to curb our hunger? That is perhaps the reason why food is such a big part of our lives. Food …

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Shirley Temple

9 Best Foods to Eat This Summer – Top 5 Deadly Foods to Avoid and Be Cool

Summer, it’s hot, it’s humid and it’s too long! With each day getting hotter, we seem to be draining ourselves now. Most of us feel really tired too soon because of the summer heat. We get dehydrated and feel our energy levels are so low that the whole day’s productivity …

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Sesame Tuna

Top 9 Tasty and Healthy Sea Food Recipes for a Better Heart

Seafood is creating all the right noises in the health circuit. It has tonnes of health benefits and you need to include them in your diet! It is a toast of most health conscious people. Filled with tons of nutrients it is a tasty option for you to partake. If …

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Not reading the labels on packaged foods

Watch Out For the Hidden Sugar Content in Your Packaged Food

You step on your weighing scales every day, and cannot help groaning out loudly. Why? Because you are trying everything in the book yet you don’t seem to drop a single pound. You have joined your local gym, eating right, and even stopped staying up late to watch your favorite …

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