17 Best Diet Tips for Working American Women- 10 Healthy Meal Recipes

Reviewed by: | Author: Manoja Kalakanti

The present times call for more than one working professional in the family. Each and every one is career oriented and economically active because all of us love our financial independence and personal freedom. More than 58% of women aged above 16 in the U.S are either working or looking for work. But with every occupation comes an occupational hazard. But this hazard becomes an excess baggage in case of women because they have a double work schedule- office and home. But bogged down by the hectic work schedule and household chores, we often neglect our own health and end up skipping meals or eating quick grabs and junk foods such as pizzas and burgers. But, to keep things in order, we must first make healthy changes to our life style and chalk out a healthy and well balanced diet plan.

working american woman diets

17 Essential Diet Tips for Working Women in the U.S:

Whether you work in an office or from home, working efficiently and staying in shape just don’t go hand in hand. Deadlines, work load and never ending board meetings leaves us feeling tired and drained and act as excuses for grabbing ready meals and take- away. Here are 17 easy to follow healthy diet tips that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep the waist line under control.

  • Never skip breakfast. If you are running late and don’t have time to prepare anything, grab a fruit and a cup of yogurt on the run, so that you don’t end up eating junk later.
  • Drink plenty of water. We often confuse thirst for hunger and end up stuffing unwanted calories. Don’t like drinking plain water? Revamp it with a dash of lemon or flavored teas.
  • Lower the level of alcohol and caffeine intake. Chemicals in alcohol erode bones and caffeine mingles with the working of hormones. Therefore, it is best to limit alcohol intake to 1 glass per day and caffeine intake to 2 cup each day.
  • Keep your servings reasonable. Eating should provide the feeling of satisfaction. It should not make you feel stuffed and bloated. So recognize your needs and eat in moderation. Don’t stuff your stomach with more than it needs.
  • Don’t act as the garbage bin of your family. Most women hate to waste food and thus end up stuffing the left overs of the kids while visiting restaurants. Don’t do this. Order food in moderation and ask the waiter to pack the leftover food.
  • Store up on calcium. Women run a higher risk of osteoporosis that men and it is very important to include milk and other dairy products in the diet to supply the necessary calcium for bone strength.
  • Try to introduce 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. Also include whole grains, pulses, legumes and sprouts for the daily dose of fiber. Make these the staple for your diet.
  • Don’t eat too much protein rich foods. Although, protein is essential for the body, but over doing it might be harmful for women as excessive protein reduces bone density leading to osteoporosis.
  • Eat 4-5 small healthy meals or snacks rather than 2 heavy ones. Start your day with a hearty breakfast, but don’t eat lunch after a long interval. Instead munch on healthy snacks during mid-morning and afternoon.
  • Cut out late night snacking. Dinner should strictly be the last meal of the day. Late night snacking is directly related to weight gain.
  • Jazz up your vegetables with spices and chilies so that you don’t get bored of them after a few days. Food that is good to taste will satisfy hunger more effectively and keep you satiated for longer.
  • Stay away from processed food. Feasting on processed food for saving time is the biggest harm that you can do to your health. The artificial sweeteners, coloring and preservatives have severe long term effects on our body.
  • Pack home cooked food for lunch. Avoid eating outside food. Instead, cook a simple and easy meal (it need not be a 3 course one). You can take brown rice and veggies and it does not take much time to prepare either.
  • Don’t munch on junk food while at work. Don’t reach for a burger or a bag of chips when you crave for a snack between your wok because they have very less or no nutritional value and high in trans- fats. Instead, carry dry fruits and nuts such as almonds, cashew, peanuts and fresh fruits like orange, melons, etc.
  • Substitute sodas and soft drinks for iced green tea, flavored herbal teas or a cup of coffee.
  • Load up on iron and calcium rich food during PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome) so that you don’t feel low during those days.
  • Women tend to suffer for a higher level of stress. Try to keep stress at bay naturally with fresh fruits and fishes rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

10 Quick and Healthy American Meal Recipes for the Career Woman:

A hectic day at work, coupled with grocery lists, pending bills and household chores leaves us with no more energy for cooking a healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner. But here I have listed 10 easy to make healthy recipes that are great for breakfast, lunch and dinner and can be easily carried to the work place as well.

Wholesome Chicken and Rice with Beans:

This is a complete meal recipe that takes very less time to prepare and it is packed with nutrients like minerals, proteins, vitamins and essential fatty acids. In addition, it is very low in calories and requires very less oil to cook making it a healthy and hearty lunch box dish.

Brown rice with beans


  • Cooked Brown Rice- 1 Cup
  • Chicken Broth- ¾ Cup
  • Shredded Chicken Breast- ½ Cup
  • Fresh Beans- ½ Cup Halved Diagonally
  • Red Bell Pepper- ½ Chopped
  • Onion-1 Finely Chopped
  • Salt- To Taste
  • Canola Oil- 1 Table Spoon
  • Ground Cinnamon- ½ Table Spoon
  • Fresh Parsley- Handful Chopped


Heat oil in a wok and add the beans and onions. Fry till the onions turn golden. Add bell pepper and salt and fry for 5 minutes. Add the broth followed by the shredded chicken and rice, Sprinkle cinnamon from top and stir for a few minutes. Simmer until excess water evaporates. Transfer to a plate and garnish with chopped parsley.

Pork and Vegetable Stew:

This healthy comfort food is ideal for those days when you feel a bit low. The vegetables act as great source of vitamins, antioxidants and useful minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium. Pork is a great source of vitamin B6 and phosphorus.

Vegetable soup


  • Pork Meat- 1 Cup
  • Vegetable Broth- ½ Cup
  • Tomato Puree- 2 Table Spoon
  • Onion-1 Finely Chopped
  • Bell Pepper- ½ Diced
  • Carrot- 1/8th Cup Finely Chopped
  • Potato- 1 Cubed
  • Green peas- 1/8th Cup
  • Button mushrooms- ½ Cup Chopped
  • Rosemary- 1/8th Sprig
  • Thyme- 1/2 Tea Spoon
  • Bay Leaves- 2
  • Red Pepper Flakes- ½ Tea Spoon
  • Salt- To Taste
  • Vegetable Oil- 1 Table Spoon


Heat oil in a wok and add the pork pieces and sauté for 10 minutes. Remove and keep aside. Now add onions, tomato puree and bell peppers to the wok and fry till onions turn tender. Return the pork to the wok, add broth and mix well with onions and tomato puree mixture. Lower the flame and cover and cook for 30 minutes. Now add carrots, potatoes, thyme, rosemary, bay leaves, salt and red pepper flakes and cover for another 20 minutes. Add some water if stew becomes too thick. Finally add mushrooms and green peas and cook for another 10 minutes. Remove the bay leaves and rosemary before serving.

Mozzarella Wraps:

This quick-fix breakfast/ lunch recipe is for those days when you are running late for work. It takes less than 10 minutes to prepare and you can eat it while on the run. The wholesome veggies and chicken supply the daily dose of protein, vitamin and antioxidants that’s great for your skin. While the mustard and mozzarella make up for the taste quotient.

Mozzarella Wraps


  • Whole Wheat Tortilla- 1
  • Cream Cheese- 1 Table Spoon
  • Onion- 1 Finely Sliced
  • Tomato- 1 Chopped
  • Bell Pepper- ½ Chopped
  • Cooked Chicken Breast- 1 Cubed
  • Fresh Basil- 2 Tea Spoon Chopped
  • Mustard- 1 table Spoon
  • Salt- To Taste
  • Mozzarella Cheese- 1 Oz


Mix onions, tomato, bell pepper, chicken and mustard in a bowl and sprinkle some salt on it. Heat the tortilla and spread cream cheese on it. Now work the filling on it. Add the mozzarella cheese and sprinkle fresh basil from top. Roll the tortilla tightly and wrap it in a waxed paper.

Chickpea and Vegetable Soup:

This power packed soup is ideal for kick starting the day. Chickpeas are very low in saturated fats and cholesterol and a superb source of dietary fibers that helps in weight loss. The brightly colored vegetables are rich in beta carotene and antioxidants that helps fight stress.

chickpea vegetable soup


  • Mixed Vegetables- 1 Cup Cubed (I have used Potatoes, Carrots, Beans, Broccoli. Use your choice of vegetables)
  • Chickpea- ½ Cup
  • Onion- 1 Finely Sliced
  • Tomato- 1 Cubed
  • Vegetable Stock- 1 ½ Cup
  • Ground Turmeric– ½ Tea Spoon
  • Ground Coriander- ½ Tea Spoon
  • Ground Cumin- ½ Tea Spoon
  • Salt- To Taste
  • Parsley- 1 Table Spoon Chopped
  • Water- 1 Cup
  • Olive Oil- 1 Table Spoon


Heat oil in a pan, add onions, tomatoes and fry for 5 minutes. Add the vegetables, turmeric, cumin and coriander and cook for few minutes. Add stock, water and chickpeas and bring to boil. Cook on reduced heat for 30 minutes or till vegetables become tender, season with salt and pepper. Garnish with chopped parsley.

Green Club Sandwich:

This no sweat sandwich is for those who like to start their day the veggie way. It is a no mess lunch box recipe that is highly beneficial for cutting the calories. Both bell pepper and lettuce are very low in calorie and rich source of fiber, iron and riboflavin.

green club sandwich


  • Wheat Bread Slices-3
  • Wasabi Spread- 1 Table Spoon
  • Tomato- ½ Thinly Sliced
  • Lettuce Leaves- 1-2
  • Bell Pepper and Zucchini- ½ Cup Cubed and Roasted
  • Mozzarella Cheese- 1 Slice


Spread the wasabi spread on all the slices. Top the first slice with lettuce and tomatoes, cover it with another slice. Top it with mozzarella cheese and roasted bell pepper and zucchini. Cover it with the 3rd slice. Secure your sandwich with picks and cut diagonally.

Chicken Salad:

Can’t decide what to do with leftover chicken? Turn it in to this light and healthy salad in just a few minutes. The vegetables in the salad make up for the much needed nutrients while lemon juice and honey gives it a sweet and tangy taste.


  • Cooked or Leftover Chicken- ½ Cup Diced
  • Celery- 1 Chopped
  • Onion- 1 Finely Chopped
  • Red Bell Pepper- ½ Diced
  • Lettuce-1 Leaf Chopped


  • Mayonnaise- 1 Table Spoon
  • Honey- ½ Table Spoon
  • Lemon juice- 1 Table Spoon
  • Salt and Pepper- To Taste


Mix cooked chicken cubes, celery, onion, bell pepper and lettuce in a mixing bowl. Mix the seasoning ingredients in a separate bowl. Maintain proper balance in the seasoning, it should not be too sweet or too acidic. Now add the salad ingredients to the seasoning and stir to mix evenly. Adjust salt and pepper according to taste.

Pork Rice:

This is a complete meal recipe that satiates hunger the healthy way. The brown rice used to prepare this dish is a good source of selenium that improves the immune system and increases HDL (good) cholesterol level there by protecting against heart diseases. In addition, selenium helps fight aging skin.

pork rice


  • Cooked Brown Rice- 1 Cup
  • Pork Loin- 1 Cup Diced
  • Mixed Vegetables- ½ Cup (Carrot, Broccoli, Peas)
  • Onion- 2 Finely Sliced
  • Soy Sauce- 1 Table Spoon
  • Ginger Paste- 1 Tea Spoon
  • Garlic powder- 1 Tea Spoon
  • Salt- To Taste
  • Butter- 1 Table Spoon


Heat butter in a wok and add pork, onions and vegetables and cook at high flame for 10 minutes. Add rice, soy sauce, ginger paste, garlic powder, and salt stir well. Cook for 15 minutes more on low flame before removing.

Baked Salmon:

Do we really need to say any more about the health benefits of salmon? Considered one the healthiest food of the world, it is rich in omega 3 fatty acid, amino acids and protein that reduce risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation and joint pain.



  • Salmon Fillets- 2 (6 Ounce Each)
  • Light Olive Oil- 4-6 Table Spoon
  • Salt- To Taste
  • Black Pepper Powder- 1 Tea Spoon
  • Garlic- 3 Cloves Minced
  • Basil- 1 Tea Spoon
  • Lemon Juice- 1 Table Spoon
  • Parsley- 1 Table Spoon Chopped


Make the marinade in a glass bowl by mixing olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, lemon juice, parsley and basil. Cover the fillets with the marinade and place on a baking dish. Refrigerate for 40 minutes. Preheat oven at 3750F/ 1900C. Cover the fillets in aluminum foil, place in a glass baking dish and bake for 40 minutes. Serve with seasoning of salt and lemon juice.

Tomato Pasta:

Pasta is a great source of complex carbohydrates that will help you feel energized, charged and stress free through the hectic day at work. Pasta takes longer to digest there by keeping you satiated for a longer period of time. Moreover, the humble tomato with its amazing phytochemical property and low calorie content is a rich source of antioxidants.

tomato pasta


  • Cooked Whole Wheat Bow Pasta- 1 Cup
  • Tomato Pulp- ½ Cup
  • Tomato Puree- 1 Table Spoon
  • Onion- 1 Finely Chopped
  • Garlic- 1 Table Spoon Minced
  • Fresh Cream- 3 Table Spoon
  • Basil- 1 Table Spoon Chopped
  • Chili Powder- ½ Tea Spoon
  • Sugar- ½ Tea Spoon
  • Salt- To Taste
  • Olive oil- 1 Table Spoon
  • Grated Cheese- ½ Cup


Heat olive oil in a pan and add onions and garlic sauté till onions turn golden. Add tomato pulp and cook for 5 minutes. Now add chili powder, sugar, salt, tomato puree, ½ cup water and bring to boil. Add fresh cream and basil and stir for a minute. Pour this sauce on the pasta and garnish with grated cheese.

Shrimp Salad:

This instant salad is for the sea food lovers. Shrimp is an excellent substitution for meat protein. It is loaded with protein, vitamin, good fats and great to taste. This easy to make recipe can be prepared even during the morning rush and it tastes magical with green salads.

Shrimp avocdo salad


  • Cooked Shrimps- 1 Cup
  • Onion- 1 Finely Chopped
  • Celery- 1/4th Cup Chopped
  • Avocado- 1/2 Thinly Sliced
  • Tomato- 1 Chopped
  • Lettuce- 1 Leaf Chopped
  • Salt- To taste
  • Ground Black Pepper- ½ Tea Spoon
  • Mayonnaise- 2 Table Spoon
  • Lemon Juice- 1 Tea Spoon


In a mixing bowl mix shrimps, onion, celery, tomato, avocado, lettuce, mayonnaise, salt and pepper and serve on lettuce greens or salads.

Hope these easy and healthy meal recipes, most of which can be prepared in less than 20 minutes will help you solve the problem of cooking healthy meals. Don’t deprive yourself completely. Enjoy your occasional treats and stay healthy.


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