14 Effective Yoga Poses for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Treatment

Reviewed by: | Author: Manoja Kalakanti

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a health condition common in women of reproductive age caused by hormonal imbalance. In this condition, small cysts form in the ovaries which affect the hormones and disrupt the normal menstrual cycle. Women diagnosed with PCOS usually have increased level of male hormones and insulin resistance and lowered levels of progesterone. Some of the common causes of PCOS are excessive stress, anxiety, depression, a faulty lifestyle or perennial tension. As we’ve seen before, the benefits of yoga for PMS are numerous. The relaxing and rejuvenating power of yoga helps a lot in dealing with PCOS symptoms as well because it helps release the deep rooted stress in the system. Here are a few yoga poses that are especially beneficial for managing PCOS symptoms.

Yoga Poses for PCOS

Benefits of Yoga for PCOS Treatment

The usefulness of yoga for overall health and wellbeing need no new introduction, and it can also be practiced as a supplemental exercise for women suffering from PCOS in order to manage the symptoms in an effective manner.

Yoga relieves stress – We have already discussed that stress has severe negative impact on PCOS, and it is necessary to relax the mind in order to keep cortisol levels under control. High cortisol levels show itself in the form of testosterone which, in turn promotes weight gain. The soothing and calming effect of yoga helps to alleviate stress and reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body.

benefits of yoga for Health and Mind

Yoga promotes weight loss – One of the major effects of PCOS is weight gain and what better way to keep weight under check than with relaxing yoga that promotes calorie burn in the body by pumping up the metabolism.

Yoga increases fertility – Yet another symptom of PCOS is reduced fertility because it throws the hormones out of balance. But yoga poses helps to enhance blood supply to the brain which in turn aids to restore hormonal balance. Certain poses also stimulate the functions of the thyroid gland and increases the chances of conception.

Yoga improves gastrointestinal balance – Another side effect of PCOS is a gastrointestinal upset, but yoga can help in solving digestive disorders as well. The yoga poses provide much-needed massage to the digestive organs and improve their functions.

14 Useful Yoga Asanas for PCOS Treatment

One of the chief causes of PCOS and infertility in women is stress, and yoga can play a determining role in prevention and control of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Badhakonasana (Butterfly pose)

Badhakonasana or Butterfly pose is a simple and easy to do yoga pose that works wonderfully for natural PCOS treatment. This asana helps to open up the pelvic region and promote relaxation which in turn helps to reduce stress and relieve discomfort related to menstruation. In addition, it is also an amazing healing yoga for people with back problems. But you must have a cool and calm mind while practicing this yoga pose.Butterfly Stretch

How to do it – Sit straight with your spine erect and legs spread in the front, bend your knees and bring the feet near the pelvis with the soles of the feet touching each other. Try to pull in the heels close to the genitals. Now, take deep baths and press the thighs and knees down towards the floor by providing gentle pressure. Now, begin flapping both legs like the wings of a butterfly in slow, controlled motion for 1 minute and then come to a stop.

Supta Badhakonasana (Reclining Butterfly Pose)

This is one of the best yoga poses for PCOS that’s even more beneficial than the classic Butterfly pose. This pose has to be practiced laying down which makes it extremely relaxing. Beginners can do this posture by placing a cushion or pillow under the hip in order to gain better support.Reclining Butterfly pose

How to do it – Lie down on the floor or yoga mat with your knees bent and feet resting flat on the ground. Now, bring your heels close to the grin, press your palms on the floor beside the hips and contract your abs as you breathe out and move your tailbone towards the pubic bone. Maintain the pelvic tilt. Now exhale and allow your knees to open and come down towards the ground forming a stretch in the inner thighs and groin region. Join the soles of your feet together and place the outer edges of the feet on the ground. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Stay in this condition for 30 seconds to 1 minute breathing fully and slowly and then return to the starting position.

Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja’s Twist)

This is a relaxing seated yoga pose that works the spinal column and helps in treating the symptoms of PCOS. Regular practice of this yoga pose helps to balance blood pressure and normalize the problems of menstruation and promote overall relaxation by rejuvenating the spine and muscles and soothing the nervous system. It is also one of the beneficial yoga poses for neck pain.


How to do it – Sit on the yoga mat with legs stretched in front and arms resting on both sides of the body. Now, bend your knees and bring them close to the left hip such that the weight of the body is resting on the right buttock. Rest the left ankle on the arch of the right foot. Slowly twist your upper body to the right side as much as possible keeping the right hand on the floor and the left hand on the outer portion of the right thigh. Try to twist your body further with each breath. Remain in this position for 1 minute and then gently come back to the original position and repeat the same procedure on the opposite side shifting the weight on the left buttock.

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

The cobra pose is yet another easy and simple yoga asana that holds an important place in PCOS yoga treatment and women of all ages can practice it right from PCOS diagnosis in order to control the symptoms naturally. This posture exerts soothing pressure on the stomach and aids to stimulate the functions of the ovary. It also helps in better digestion and reducing stress. But it’s best not the hold this posture for more than 30 seconds at a time.Bhujangasana

How to do it – Lie on your stomach with toes placed flat on the floor, legs together and hands under the shoulders with palms down on the floor and elbows close to the torso. Inhale deeply and lift your head and torso off the floor while keeping the navel fixed on the floor. Support your raised torso with both hands keeping them straight and arching your back as much as you can. Tilt your head upward and look up. Keep your shoulders free and away from the ears. Keep breathing normally in this state, wait for 30 seconds and return to the starting position.

Naukasana (Boat pose)

The boat pose is one of the useful yogasanas for PCOS treatment that is also beneficial for weight loss as well. It is the best type of yoga for weight loss that helps to achieve a perfectly flat abdomen. It puts controlled pressure on the abdominal region, increases blood flow to the reproductive organs and enhances the functions of the ovaries.


How to do it – Lie down on the back with feet joined together and arms resting beside the body. Take a deep breath and lift up your head, chest and feet off the ground as you exhale stretching your arms towards your feet. Maintain your eyes, fingers and toes in a straight like while breathing deeply. Feel the tension in the navel and abdominal muscles. Maintain this pose for 30 seconds and return to the starting position.

Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

The bow pose is another functional posture that is used for polycystic ovary syndrome treatment using yoga. It helps to stimulate the functions of the reproductive organs, relieves menstrual discomfort and normalizes the menstrual cycles. It also helps people with kidney disorders, opens up the chest, neck, and shoulders and strengthens the core muscles.

Bow pose

How to do it -First lie on your stomach with feet resting hip-width apart and arms resting on the sides of the body. Grip your ankles by folding the knees and bringing them near the hips. Lift your chest off with ground and pull your legs up so that your body takes the shape of an arched bow. Stabilize this pose and stay for 30 seconds while taking deep breaths. Exhale and return to the starting position by releasing the ankles.

Superman Pose (Viparita Shalabhasana)

This is an essential yoga pose for PCOS infertility treatment that looks almost like the signature move of Superman. This specific yoga pose works as good as belly breathing exercise for developing a toned abdomen. It also helps to promote blood circulation to the reproductive organs, tones the abdomen and lower back muscles, strengthens the chest, shoulder, arms, and legs and opens the chest.

Viparita Shalabhasana

How to do it – Lie on the stomach with toes placed flat on the ground, legs close to each other. Now, stretch both the arms in front and lift the head, chest, arms and, thighs and legs off the floor as if you are flying in the air. Feel the stretch in the arms, legs and torso and keep breathing normally for 30 seconds and then go back to the starting position by relaxing your chests, arms, and legs.

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

One of the vital yoga poses included in PCOS natural treatment is the child’s pose that brings about relaxation by soothing the Central Nervous System. It also releases lower back tension, menstrual cramps, and PMS symptoms and normalizes blood flow throughout the body.Balasana

How to do it – Kneel down on the yoga mat and sit on the heels, keeping your knees separated about hip-width apart. Now, bring your head down in front to touch the floor and lay your torso down between your thighs. Place your hands on the floor at the side of the torso and relax the shoulders towards the floor. Rest in this posture for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then go back to starting position.

Mill Churning Pose (Chakki Chalanasana)

Yoga is one of the most reliable natural remedies for PCOS, and the Chakki Chalanasana is a basic yoga pose that helps normalize the functions of the reproductive organs. The movements involved in this exercise helps modify the functions of the endocrine gland, thereby facilitating optimum hormonal secretion, and it also massages the uterus, reproductive organs, liver, kidneys, and pancreas. It is also one of the functional exercises to do to lose weight fast from the stomach.

Mill Churning Pose

How to do it – Sit on the ground with your spine straight, hands outstretched and arms raised at shoulder height and palms clapsed together. Inhale deeply and begin moving the upper part of the body in a circular motion forming an imaginary circle with the body. Inhale while moving forward and exhale as you go backward. Continue to breathe deeply while rotating for 1 minute and feel the stretch in the arms, legs, abdomen and groin. You can make 20 rounds in one direction and then 20 rounds in the opposite direction.

Marjaryasana and Bitilasana (Cat and Cow Pose)

Both these yoga poses generates a lot of movement in the spine and helps to relax the tightness of the shoulder and neck. It also massages and stimulates the abdominal muscles and reproductive organs and enhances the functions of the Central Nervous System.

Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)

How to do it – Begin on all fours keeping the spine neutral, first, drop the neck downward and arch your spine upwards to form a prominent arch with the spine just like cats do, wait for 5 seconds and return to the neutral position. Now, sway the spine in the opposite direction towards the ground creating an opposite arch with the spine known as the Cow arch. Repeat these opposite arches as many times as you want.

Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide legged forward Bend)

Yoga is the ultimate answer to the question of how to cure PCOS naturally. This particular yoga posture works the hips and lower back by flexing the muscles within turn increase energy and facilitates blood circulation to the ovaries. The exercise also lengthens the spinal column and stretches the leg and back muscles.

Wide legged forward Bend

How to do it – Begin in the Mountain Pose or Tadasana, exhale and lower your body in front so that the palms touch the floor right under the shoulders. Lengthen your legs to press the hips up towards the ceiling, feel the stretch in the spine as you press the head down further. Hold the position for 30 seconds while breathing deeply and then return to the starting position. You can use yoga blocks under the hands if your hands don’t touch the floor.

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Padmasana is a basic meditation pose that is often included in pranayama breathing exercise. This pose helps to stretch the pelvic region and also helps to correct hormonal imbalance which is vital for PCOS treatment. It helps to reduce menstrual discomfort, control blood pressure, ease childbirth and relax the mind.Lotus Pose

How to do it – Sit on the floor with the spine straight, bend the right knee and place it on the left thigh such that the sole of the feet are pointing upwards, and they rests close to the abdomen. Bend the left knee and place the left foot on the right thigh in the same way. When both legs are crossed, place your hands on the knees while keeping your head straight. Maintain this posture for 1 minute while breathing deeply and gently.

Nispanda Bhava (unmoving observations)

Stress and tension have negative impact on the symptoms of PCOS and make things worse, so controlling stress is also an important part of the treatment. One of the best ways to alleviate stress is by practicing Conscious relaxation through Nispanda Bhava, which works as good as relaxing Tai Chi techniques. This exercise involves passive listening which brings forth mental peace and relaxation.

Nispanda Bhava yoga pose

How to do it – Sit comfortably on the floor, reclining your back against the wall and legs spread out. Maintain comfortable distance between two legs and let your shoulders and head relax so that there is not any kind of stiffness in the body. Rest your hands on the thighs, palms facing upwards. Relax in this state for 5 to 10 minutes keeping your eyes closed. Engage your mind in the fading sounds around you without trying to analyze any specific sound.

Shavasana (Corpse pose)

Last but not the least is the corpse pose, which holds an extremely important place in yoga, and no yoga session can come to an end without this ending posture. This relaxing posture is beneficial for polycystic ovary syndrome also because it helps to relax the body and mind and relieve stress and tension in an effective manner.


How to do it – After completion of the yoga session lie down on your back without any cushions or blankets and close your eyes. Keep your legs slightly apart and your feet and knees completely relaxed. Place your arms at your sides a little apart from the body, palms open and facing upward. Gradually relax your entire body while breathing slowly and deeply. Wait for 10 minutes or till you feel completely relaxed and then gently get up from the ground.

Bring about order and discipline into your life with yoga and regulate hormones, promote weight loss, treat PCOS symptoms and increase fertility with these specific postures.

14 Effective Yoga Poses for PCOS Treatment – PDF

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