Top 12 Negative Calorie Foods For Weight Loss – Low Fat Foods

Reviewed by: | Author: Manoja Kalakanti

What is the best way to lose weight? The simple answer is by eating foods that have zero calories, or by consuming negative calorie foods which will not only help you burn fat, but also rev up your metabolism and lose weight effectively.

These are the kind of foods that love you back, but we tend to ignore them as we so often reach out for foods that are high on taste but pretty low on nutrition.

Negative Calorie Foods

The foods with negative calories can satiate your hunger pangs effectively, and the best part is that you won’t be tormented by feelings of guilt if you end up giving into cravings.

The Top Twelve Best Negative Calorie Foods

The most lucrative part of negative calorie foods is that they burn more calories than they contain! These foods are super nutritious and can become your quick go-to food when you are famished and do not know exactly what to eat, especially when on a diet.

It happens with us too, especially during those snack times when we are particularly looking for foods that help us lose the extra fat and yet fill us up.


Most of these foods contain water, and since it has appetite containing properties, you tend to feel full sooner and hence stop eating when your brain sends the signal that you are full.

Much in the same way, when you drink a glass of water right before your meal, you immediately start to feel full and hence can stop eating. These negative calorie foods contain an array of nutrients too. So, you can enjoy them without worrying about the calories!

So the next time you want to go all snack happy, remember which foods you should reach out for. Our list of negative calorie foods will help you in this regard.

1. Celery

One cup of celery contains only 19 calories! You can stuff your mouth with celery and you will not gain an ounce of weight.


What’s more? It contains powerful nutrients which are anti-inflammatory in nature. 75% of celery contains water and the remaining 25% contains fiber.

It is full of sodium and potassium and can be an ideal post workout snack as it replenishes your body with electrolytes.

2. Arugula

This delicious and versatile vegetable is full of everything you don’t want to avoid at any cost, especially when you are watching your waistline!


It is brimming with the right kind of nutrients, plus is crunchy and full of fiber. It is also rich in vitamins A, K and C, and other valuable nutrients such as potassium.

You can add them to all your soups and stir-fries, and the fact that they are loaded with vitamins and minerals make them a must include in your negative-calorie food list.

3. Asparagus

Asparagus is a weight watcher’s savior as it contains substantial levels of amino acids, which act as a diuretic to flush out the excessive fluid from your system.


So when you want to debloat, you know now which food to load upon, asparagus contains just 27 calories per cup.

It is also full of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, E, C, and K, B6, folate, iron, copper, and also protein.

It can be a part of many of your recipes but particularly tastes great in the salad form, raw or steamed.

4. Cucumbers

100 gram of cucumbers contain just 16 calories. It is a wonderful option for snack foods. It mostly contains water, and since it contains vitamin C too, it has great anti-inflammatory properties.


It helps flush out excess toxins from the body and prevents water retention.

5. Broccoli

Now you know why your nutritionist keeps telling you to have more broccoli. It has been hailed a superfood for a reason. The reason being that not only is it packed with fiber, but also a host of nutrients like vitamins and minerals.


Additionally, it is also full of anti-oxidants great for combating against diseases like cancer, especially breast and colon cancer. With a measly 31 calorie per cup, you have really no choice but to love broccoli right back.

6. Cauliflower

The humble cauliflower is enjoying its place amongst a host of other superfoods. Since it is easily available and does not figure in the expensive food bracket, we tend to give it the royal ignore.


But that is a silly thing to do as it has zero calories and is high in vitamin C. It has a lot of fiber and 100 grams of this vegetable contains a paltry 25 calories. So it’s not without reason that we are currently crushing on cauliflower.

7. Tomatoes

Another food which deserves superfood status, we believe. It contains lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that prevents heart attacks and strokes.


Cooked tomatoes have the same benefits as statins for patients suffering from cholesterol issues and hypertension.

Two ounces of tomato juice a day can help people suffering from chronic diseases. Having just 18 calories per 100 grams means that it is again the food to go to when you are trying to shed those extra kilos.

8. Lettuce

You can literally stuff your face with lettuce and you won’t put on an ounce. This salad-friendly green is equally good for your health too, as it is chock full of manganese, B vitamins and folic acid.


It boosts your immunity and also controls your blood sugar levels. There are just 5 calories per cup; now that’s what makes it the most sought after food for people who are suffering from weight issues.

9. Beets

Besides its distinctive color, beet is high on nutrition and low on calories. With just 37 calories per half cup, it is a winner.


Full of iron, fiber, potassium and folate, beets are a great way to up the nutrient quotient too in a salad or pasta dish. Betanin, a potent antioxidant, lends the vegetable its gorgeous color!

10. Grapefruit

We have all heard about the grapefruit diet for weight loss. Research has substantiated that women who consumed more grapefruit juice weighed at least 10 pounds less than the women who did not have grapefruit in their diets. Their BMI or body mass index also tends to be lower by at least 6%.


What particularly works in its favor is that it contains vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid. It also contains pectin, which is a soluble fiber that works against atherosclerosis.

Armed with lycopene and vitamin A, a phytochemical that shields arterial walls from extensive oxidative damage, grapefruit must be a part of a weight-loss diet. It has just 39 calories in half a fruit.

11. Apples

Not strictly a part of the negative calorie diet, it is still a go to food for people trying hard to drop those extra kilos, especially the green ones. What makes it a priceless food is the fact that it is full of fiber and keeps you full for longer hours.


So we still go by the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”In a world with superfoods galore, what sets apples apart is the fact that they are full of antioxidants and pretty low on the glycemic index.

With just 52 calories per 100 grams, it keeps you full for long, which is why it is our favorite go to snack especially when combined with unsalted peanut butter.

12. Coffee

The fact that it contains a cool 2 calories per cup, works in its favor. Also, it has always been the beverage of choice when it comes to driving away headaches.


It also keeps us awake and agog in those wakeful hours at the night when we are working hard, which makes us root for it even more.

Still want more reasons to sip on this invigorating beverage? it is the best weight loss tool, boosts your metabolism, and is also thermogenic, which means that it burns fat to provide energy. It also stops your cravings. So the next time you are craving for a piece of brownie real bad, have some coffee instead, minus the milk and sugar, of course.

Recipes of Negative Calorie Foods

Negative calorie foods should not be the only part of your diet, but a healthy addition to your diet. So how will you make them an intrinsic part of your diet? By cooking these wonderful recipes, of course! The kind of foods you eat and how you cook them is a very big part of your weight loss regime.

1. Celery Soup

Celery is a crisp green vegetable that adds flavor to any dish. It comes in two varieties, white and red. The white one has a slightly better flavor. The stalks are found fresh in the market without the roots and have very few green leaves. When you use them for cooking, use only the stalks, not the leaves. Celery is an intrinsic part of weight-loss diets. When you cook, select the celery that looks crisp and has bright-hued or pale colored leaves.

Celery Soup


  • Rice noodles 50 grams
  • Celery 1 big stalk
  • Salt as per your taste
  • Oil 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic 1 tablespoon
  • Onion 1 small finely chopped
  • Boneless chicken 100 Gms
  • Chicken stock 4 cups
  • Button mushrooms finely chopped 8-10
  • Soy sauce 1 tablespoon
  • Black peppercorns to taste finely crushed


  • Heat 2 cups of water in a wok. Add the salt and boil.
  • Break noodles and add to the boiling water, boil for a minute. Strain the noodles and put aside.
  • Heat the oil in a wok. Add the garlic and sauté for a minute. Add the onion; continue to stir and sauté on high heat for about a minute.
  • Add the chicken, cook and sauté on high heat for 2 minutes.
  • Add the chopped celery and blend well. Add the stock, stir well and bring to a boil. Let it simmer for 3-4 minutes.
  • Add the mushrooms and stir well. Add the soy sauce and salt and blend well. Cook for the next 2 minutes. Reduce the heat and add the pepper powder and ginger.
  • Coarsely chop the celery stalks and add to the concoction. Remove from heat.
  • Place the noodles in an individual soup bowl. Pour the soup over noodles, garnish with celery leaf and serve right after, fresh and hot!

2. Tomato Beetroot Salad

This can be paired with something high in protein content like roasted chicken to have a complete balanced meal. A redolent, flavorful bright-hued salad just right to incite your taste buds, it should be very much part of your negative calorie diet.

Tomato Beetroot Salad


  • 5-6 Beetroots
  • 5-6 Tomatoes
  • 250 grams cherry tomatoes
  • 1 Tbsp. of sugar
  • 250 ml white vinegar
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 8-10 mint leaves
  • 1 Tbsp. Of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. of olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp. of black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp. of salt


  • In a pan, heat the white vinegar, salt & sugar along with some water; and also, add chopped beetroot.
  • Cook so that they absorb the flavors, but make sure they do not become too soft and lose the crunch.
  • Remove it from the pan and put into an ice bath.
  • Chop the tomatoes into thin rounds and arrange it in a circle on a plate.
  • Add another circular layer with beetroot.
  • To round off, heap half of the cherry tomatoes right in the middle of the arrangement.
  • Pour a dressing made from garlic cloves, black pepper, balsamic vinegar, salt and olive oil over the salad.
  • Serve fresh!

3. Apple Smoothie

Now if you are bored of chomping on apples, here is what you can do, churn up a delectable smoothie. The fiber-rich apple paired with the protein and almonds makes this drink nutritionally dense. Almonds contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. The health benefits of almonds include controlling blood sugar levels, reducing blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol levels. They can also control hunger pangs and promote weight loss. The yogurt keeps your digestive system running smoothly, as it is a probiotic that keeps your gut healthy.

Apple Smoothie


  • 1 large apple
  • ½ cup of milk
  • 1/3 cup of plain yogurt
  • 5 almonds or a tablespoon of almond butter
  • 1 teaspoon of honey or sugar
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon


  • Peel the apple, cut it into halves, remove the stones and then slice it into large pieces. Put the sliced apple pieces into the jar of a blender. Add the almonds, yogurt, and the honey.
  • Blend until smooth and frothy, and until no chunks of fruits are visible. Take a chilled glass, then pour the smoothie into it. Sprinkle cinnamon over the freshly made smoothie. Fresh is best, so drink it immediately.

Low carb foods are your go-to foods when you want to shed the kilos really quickly. So instead of groaning each time you hop on a scale, add more of these negative calorie foods to your diet and your body will thank you, and also see a boost in metabolism.

Top 12 Negative Calorie Foods – Eat More to Lose More Weight – PDF

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