Indian Diet Plan for Pregnancy: What Foods to Eat & Avoid When Pregnant

Reviewed by: | Author: Manoja Kalakanti

A woman’s body and many emotions change during pregnancy, making it a life-changing experience. The importance of nutrition during this period cannot be overstated, as it affects the mother’s health and is vital to the growth of the unborn child. Pregnant women in India frequently gain excessive amounts of weight due to the widely held belief that “eating for two.” It is important to remember that this procedure is not necessary for a risk-free and healthy pregnancy.

Diet Plan for pregnancy

A pregnant woman’s diet should be centered on balance and health, with an emphasis on providing all the necessary nutrients to meet her body’s growing demands as the pregnancy goes on. It is equally important for encouraging the baby’s ideal growth and development. In this piece, we explore the topic of a healthy Indian pregnancy diet plan, which is a detailed manual created to assist expecting moms in maintaining a healthy weight while meeting the needs of their developing fetus.

Foods Suggested for A Well-being Pregnancy:

Including food groups in your daily diet plan before pregnancy is necessary to ensure a nutritious and healthy pregnancy. Now, let’s examine these dietary sources and consider how important they are for expectant mothers.

1. Dairy products:

Rich sources of protein, calcium, and vitamin B12 are milk, buttermilk, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese. These nutrients are essential for the healthy growth of the fetus and the preservation of the mother’s and child’s general health during pregnancy. This is one of the first inclusions in the first-trimester pregnancy diet plan.

2. Meat, fish and poultry:

For expectant mothers, non-vegetarian foods like fish and meat supply vital protein. Protein helps the mother’s body tissues and the fetus grow and develop. Additionally, it aids in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes that control a number of bodily functions.

3. Pulses, dals, grains, and nuts:

It is imperative that they incorporate whole grains, legumes, nuts, cereals, and dals into their regular diet. According to a study, this is particularly true for vegetarian pregnant women. These plant-based sources provide the necessary protein to meet the demands of the growing fetus. Sufficient consumption of protein stimulates the body’s anabolic processes in mothers. Additionally, it lowers the chance of some pregnancy-related issues, guaranteeing a healthy journey for the mother and the unborn child.

4. Fresh fruits and vegetables:

A pregnant woman’s daily diet has to include at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. These nutrient-dense foods give the body the vitamins, minerals, and fiber it needs to function properly. Fruits also include essential antioxidants that promote the health of the developing fetus and the mother. Furthermore, fruits’ dietary fiber helps to avoid constipation and other typical digestive problems during pregnancy. Fruits are also recommended in the post-pregnancy weight loss diet plan.

5. Fats:

A diet rich in healthful unsaturated fats gives the mother’s body the energy it needs and promotes the growth of the unborn child. Nuts, avocados, fatty fish, eggs, peanuts, and seeds are foods high in unsaturated fats. They also consist of oils like sunflower, canola, and olive oil. The development of the fetus’s brain, neurological system, and eyes depends on these fats. They also assist in reducing inflammation, which lowers the chance of complications, including preterm labor and eclampsia. The mother’s general health is also influenced by healthy fats. They may, for instance, lower the chance of developing diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. A pregnancy diet meal plan includes fat since it is extremely helpful during pregnancy.

An Indian Diet Plan During Pregnancy:

Whether Indian or not, a pregnant woman’s diet needs to check off certain key boxes. The dietary sources listed above are just a few of the possibilities that offer essential minerals and nutrients. Pregnant women must adhere to a diet that gives them all the nutrients they require without overtaxing their digestive systems. Rather than having three meals a day as is customary, the meals must be spaced apart. Meal intervals greater than one should be avoided. An Indian healthy pregnancy diet plan would consist of a variety of foods and recipes that guarantee the proper balance of nutrients and additional calories required for a healthy mother and kid.

Pre-breakfast snacks – Around 7 AM:

Pregnant women must eat a pre-breakfast snack. It works particularly well to avoid morning sickness. Light and energizing, the snack should set the body up for the remainder of the day. For this snack, a glass of milk or a milkshake is typically advised. This is so because milk is a significant source of calcium, which is essential for a baby’s growth.

Dry fruits are a classic combination with almond milk. Almond milk is a fantastic choice for people who have a dairy allergy or intolerance. Almonds are a good source of protein, healthy fats, iron, and Vitamin E. This is an inclusion throughout the 9-month pregnancy diet plans.

An additional nutritious choice is a glass of tomato or apple juice. Specifically, tomato juice is high in iron and vitamin C and aids in blood purification.

Breakfast – Around 8 AM:

Indian morning favorites such as poha and Rava upma are highly popular. Additionally, they are the ideal breakfast item for expectant mothers. Poha is a rich source of iron and carbohydrates; Rava upma is a low-fat energy source that also contains minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and iron. Although parathas with fillings are hearty and satisfying options, they require less oil than usual to cook.

Other wholesome and practical choices are oats, which are an excellent source of iron, and whole wheat bread, which has a high fiber content in addition to important nutrients. Vegetable sandwiches make a quick and easy breakfast option. Another good source of fiber and vitamins is fruit.

Mid-morning snacks- 11 AM to noon:

A thorough Indian pregnancy food plan would also include the crucial mid-morning snack. For this supper, soups are advised because they are nutrient-dense and easy on the stomach. Options include vegetables that are easily found in an Indian cuisine, such as chicken, tomato, spinach, carrots, and beetroots.

Lunch – 1:30 PM:

During pregnancy, it’s customary to have dry chapatis or parathas with curd for lunch. For lunch, rice with chicken curry and raita is also a great choice. Niacin, or vitamin B-3, and lean protein are both abundant in chicken.

Like another popular Indian dish, curd rice, khichdi is a light and healthful choice for lunch. The primary advantages of eating rice dishes are the immediate energy boost, the protection against urinogenital infections caused by rice’s diuretic qualities, and the strengthening of the mother’s immune system. Carbs and fiber-rich traditional wheat breads like parathas and rotis are excellent sources.

Evening snacks

You can have easy, light snacks at any time between lunch and dinner. Snacks before dinner are crucial for expectant mothers. Various halwas, idlis, smoothies, roasted peanuts, lightly cooked cutlets, and dried fruits are a few of the well-liked suggestions.

Dinner – 8 PM:

This is another substantial meal on the pregnant woman’s diet schedule, along with lunch. Dal is a healthy traditional dish that goes well with rice or dry rotis for dinner, as they give the body the essential carbohydrates. Curries, parathas, khichdi, and curd are also excellent sources of nourishment. Buttermilk and yogurt facilitate digestion.

Before going to bed, it’s ideal to finish the day with a glass of milk and a few dates. Melatonin, which is found in milk, aids in restful sleep, while the characteristics of dates induce uterine contractions.

Precautions To Take During Pregnancy:

Eat and drink a diet high in protein, iron, calcium, and folate. Consult a medical expert about prenatal vitamins, which are vitamins you can take during pregnancy.

Consume breakfast every day.
  • Consume fiber-rich foods and stay hydrated, especially with water, to prevent constipation.
  • Steer clear of alcohol, undercooked or raw fish, mercury-filled fish, undercooked pork and poultry, and soft cheeses.
  • During your pregnancy, engage in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes each week. See your healthcare provider before starting if you have any health concerns.
  • Return gradually to your usual, moderate-intensity exercise regimen after giving birth.
  • Return to a healthy weight gradually.
Final Words:

In conclusion, it is critical for the health of the mother and the unborn child to maintain a nutritious and well-balanced Indian diet plan during pregnancy. Consuming a diverse range of nutrient-dense meals, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and dairy products, is crucial for guaranteeing that you obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals for a successful pregnancy.

Pregnant women can benefit from a wide variety of meals, but it’s also important to know which ones to avoid. This includes avoiding raw or undercooked foods, high-mercury fish, unpasteurized dairy products, and excessive caffeine. By taking these safety measures, the chance of foodborne infections and possible injury to the growing fetus are reduced.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the diet plan in pregnancy?


How to plan diet during pregnancy?

Whole fruits — like apples, berries, oranges, mango, and bananas.
Veggies — like broccoli, sweet potatoes, beets, okra, spinach, peppers, and jicama.
Whole grains — like brown rice, millet, oatmeal, bulgur, and whole-wheat bread.

Can we diet while planning a pregnancy?

If you are trying to get pregnant, eating a healthy, varied diet will help you to get most of the vitamins and minerals you need.

How do you plan a diet in pregnancy?

Your diet should include a balance of essential nutrients, including folate, iron, calcium, protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.

What should be the diet plan for a 2-month pregnancy?

Calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt, leafy greens, almonds, and tofu are recommended. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is an essential nutrient for 2-month pregnant women.

What fruits are good for pregnancy?


What is the best diet for pregnant women?

Whole grains
Low-fat dairy

Which food is avoided in pregnancy?

Avoid eating soft cheeses, unpasteurized milk products, undercooked meat, fish, and eggs while you are expecting since they may contain bacteria that could harm your unborn child.

Which vegetables are avoided during pregnancy?

Avoid consuming soft cheeses, unpasteurized milk products, undercooked meat, fish, and eggs while you are expecting since they may contain bacteria that could harm the unborn child.

How to sleep during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman requires sleep for about 8-10 hours per day.

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