Most Important Yoga Exercises for Neck Pain – Joint Pain Problems and Relief

Reviewed by: | Author: Manoja Kalakanti

Yoga can cure almost any problem in our body, We will talk few basic yoga exercises for neck pain in this article. Joint Problems are mainly related to neck, waist, back, shoulders and knees. Usually a lot of people have neck pains as the major problem, and are unable to sort them out with few basic exercises or yogasanas. These joint pains are very painful, and can be cured with few important yoga exercises. You may not get a instant relief like pain killers, but these exercises will help you to get a permanent solution. There are many physical and emotional health problems which will results in the joint pains. These problems are mostly found in women, and can be cured with few simple yoga exercises for neck pain. To perform these yogasanas, you must keep few basic guidelines for yoga practice.

Important Yoga Exercises for Neck Pain:

The most common way of getting a neck pain is because of sudden, unusual movements of the neck. The main reason of this pain is due to the joint disruption in the neck, and few other spinal problems. These neck pains are usually called as cervical pain, and sometimes can cause due to throat infection and tuberculosis. Neck pains can worsen the movement of your neck, and its better to prevent the pain by performing few basic exercises. This will strengthen your neck, and keep it flexible. Below are few important yoga exercises for neck pain.

Exercise technique to get relief from neck pain:

  1. Place the intertwined fingers of both the hands on your forehead.
  2. Bend your head forward and try to stop the head from moving forward with your hands.
  3. Similarly, place the intertwined fingers at the back of the neck.
  4. Try to stop the head from moving backward with your hands.
  5. Then place your palms with the fingers intertwined a little above your right ear.
  6. Try to bend your head toward right and try to resist the movement with your hands.
  7. Similarly, place your palms with the fingers intertwined a little above your left ear.
  8. Bend your head to the left, while resisting the movements with your hand.
Yoga Exercises for Neck Pain

Note: Repeat the above exercises thrice on each day. Keep increasing the repetitions each day, until you reach six counts on each side.

Exercises for the throat and the neck

Moving the head forward and backward

  1. Bend your head forward and press the throat with your chin.
  2. Stay in this position for six counts.
  3. Now, bend your head backwards and stay in this position for six counts.
  4. Repeat this exercise six times on each side.

Turning the head towards right and left

  1. Turn your head towards the right and stay in this position for six counts, without bending your head.
  2. Then, turn your head towards left and stay for six counts.
  3. Repeat this process six times on each side.
Yoga Exercises for Neck Pain

Bending the head towards the shoulders

  1. Keep your head straight and slowly bend it towards your right shoulder.
  2. Stay in this position for six counts.
  3. Then, come to the normal position and slowly bend your head towards the left shoulder and stay for a duration of six counts.
  4. Repeat this exercise for about six times on each side.


  1. Cures throat related problems.
  2. Strengthens your neck and throat.
  3. Maintains a healthy thyroid gland.

Whenever you suffer from neck pain, first analyze the cause of the pain. Without knowing the exact reason for the pain, you cannot cure it. Follow these exercises on a regular basis, and let us know your problem if its beyond these exercises. We hope these basic yoga exercises for neck pain can keep you out of pain. Please drop us a line if you have any queries in this above article.

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