Top 15 Face Packs and Quick Remedies to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight

| Author: Manoja Kalakanti
This content has been Medically reviewed by Dr. Surya Kedara, MBBS – General Physician

Waking up after a night of refreshing and restful sleep not only helps in adding a natural shine to the skin, but also helps in perking up the mood for the rest of the day. But all the happiness and good mood is washed away when you take a look at the mirror and see an ugly red pimple on your cheek or forehead staring right back at you. These are desperate situations where one has to opt for quick pimple remedies that take a few hours to make things better. In this article, we have listed 15 of the most effective quick home remedies that can assist you in getting rid of pimples overnight. It is always recommended to depend on natural remedy for pimple and acne because they have absolutely no side effects in the long run.

Face Packs and Quick Remedies to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight

Common Causes of Pimple Breakouts

There are different types of pimples and acne, and there are several reasons for a breakout of pimples. Here we have enumerated some of the common causes of pimples.

Build Up of Dead Skin Cells – The skin continues to renew its upper layer by shedding dead skin cells and the sebum produced by the skin pores leads to deposition of the dead skin cells on the skin pores that clogs them and lead to pimple formation.

Growth of Bacteria – When sebum gets accumulated in the blocked pores it works as the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that leads to breaking out of painful pimples.

Hormonal Pimples – It is seen that pimples are more common among young boys and girls who have reached their puberty. These kind of pimples are caused by hormonal changes that take place in the body and makes sebaceous glands overactive. The overproduction of sebum blocks the skin pores and causes pimples.

Pimple Care

Dairy Products or High GI Foods – Research shows that excessive consumption of foods that have a high glycemic index like baked goods, sugary foods and sweet beverages and dairy products and also promote pimple breakouts.

Stress – Excessive chronic stress disrupts the normal functions of the body and triggers the breakout of pimples and acne.

Improper Skin Care – Improper skin care like not regularly cleaning, toning and moisturizing the face and not removing makeup before going to bed also causes pimples.

15 Best Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Pimples Overnight

Here are 15 time-tested remedies for fast relief from the trouble of painful and ugly pimples that use can use overnight to get miraculous results.

Tooth Paste

Toothpaste is one of the most viable home remedies for pimples that is not only extremely effective, but also easily available in everyone’s house. It is also the best solution to get rid of zits overnight. It is best to use white toothpaste rather than gel-based ones.

tooth paste

Apply a dollop of white toothpaste on the pimples and let it stay overnight, wash it off with water the next morning and see the ugly pimples vanish for good. It is an instant solution for embarrassing nose pimples as well. What make toothpaste such an effective remedy for pimples is its anti-bacterial properties that helps in fight pimple-causing bacteria.


Aspirin is one of the unusual yet effective home remedies for pimples on the face that can be used as an emergency solution to get rid of painful, red swellings overnight.

Aspirin for pimples

Crush a couple of aspirin tablets and add a small amount of water to make a paste. Apply this paste on the pimples to cover them properly. Leave it to dry overnight and wash it off with water the next morning to make the pimples less visible. The anti-inflammatory action of aspirin aids the skin in fighting inflammation, redness, swelling and pain.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is an amazing home remedy for almost all types of skin problems. A few drops of lemon juice works as one of the most quick pimple remedies, and it is also the best way to get rid of pimple marks as well. The powerful astringent properties of lemon juice remove excess oil from the pimple and helps in reducing the swelling, redness and pain of the pimples. Although it might cause a tingling sensation, it is very effective for pimples and acne. But it is best to use pure lemon juice rather than packed juices and one must make sure to wash it off before going out in the sun.

Lemon face Pack

Squeeze some lemon juice into a glass bowl and use a cotton swab to apply the juice on the pimples. Let it stay overnight and rinse off with water the next morning. Lemon juice is also an effective remedy for leg pimples and acne. Application of raw lemon juice on leg pimples and washing it off the next morning helps reduce the inflammation.

Egg Whites

Egg whites are essential ingredients for the best face packs for skin health, and this protein rich ingredient can be a saviour in case of sudden pimple breakouts. This is an easily available and hassle-free face pack of pimples that can be applied in a jiffy. It is the ultimate solution to the question of how to reduce oily skin naturally.

Egg White Pack

Just isolate the yolk from the egg white and keep it separately, and apply the egg white on the pimples with your fingers, let it dry overnight and wash it off with slight warm water the next morning to have a pimple-free face.


The health benefits of garlic are numerous, and it is an effective remedy for various skin and hair problems. The uses of garlic for hair loss prevention are well known. Topical application of crushed garlic is the best way to get rid of a pimple overnight because garlic is a potent antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant agent that aids in fast healing of pimples. Sulphur present in garlic also promotes the healing process.

garlic cloves

Crush 2 to 3 garlic cloves and soak it in some water for 15 minutes and then apply it on the pimples, let it stay for 20 minutes and wash off with water.


Applying steam on facial skin in an amazing way to get rid of pimples overnight and prevent it from reappearing it again in future. Taking steam on the face helps in opening up the pores clogged by dirt, oil, sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria that causes infection and inflammation and allows the skin to breathe.

Steam for pimples

Take a large vessel and fill it with water. Heat it on high flame so that the water starts boiling. Now, remove it from flame and lean on the container to take the steam on your face. Take in the steam for few minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water.

Calamine Lotion

The best clear face tips are incomplete without the inclusion of calamine lotion in it. Calamine lotion is one of the most time-tested remedies to get rid of pimples that is not only effective, but it also promotes quick healing by drying out the pimples. Calamine lotion helps in deep pore cleansing and is one of the best home remedies for pimple marks as well.

Calamine Lotion for pimples

Apply calamine lotion on the pimples after cleaning the face, leave it on overnight and wake up with a pimple free face the next morning. Wash your face with lukewarm water to remove any calamine residue left on the face.


The herb peppermint is widely used in toner and face pack for pimples along with homemade facial for oily skin. The soothing astringent and cooling properties of menthol present in peppermint aids in reducing irritation and redness associated with pimples. In addition, the antiviral and antibacterial properties of the herb also fight the bacteria that cause pimples.

Peppermint herb

Crush a handful of peppermint leaves and extract the juice from it. Apply this juice on the pimples and leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.

Basil Leaves

The liquid extracted from basil leaves is one of the quickest home remedies for pimples that helps to get rid of spots overnight.

Holy Basil

Take a handful of basil leaves and soak them in water for 15 minutes. Crush the leaves and extract the liquid from the leaves and apply it on the pimples with the help of a cotton ball. Leave it on throughout the night so that it can dry out the excess oil and pus. Clean it off with water the next morning.

Green Tea Ice Cubes

The benefits of green tea for weightloss are well known, and it is a great remedy for both hair and skin problems. Green tea acts as a potent natural astringent which helps in soothing inflamed skin and reducing swelling and pain.

Green Tea Ice Cubes for pimples

Pour some green tea into an ice tray and freeze it to make the green tea ice cubes. Rub the ice cubes on the pimples for fast relief from pimples.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is well known for its intense hair care and sink care properties, and aloe vera hair mask is widely used as a natural hair conditioner for dry hair. The powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of pure aloe vera gel helps in subduing skin irritation and redness. It is also one of the most apposite home remedies for pimple marks that can be applied directly to the affected areas.

Aloe Vera

Cut off a fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze out the aloe vera gel from within and apply it on the pimples using your finger. Leave it on overnight and wash off with water the next morning for best results. Aloe vera is yet another useful home remedy to get rid of pimples on the nose.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an effective home remedy for all skin problems, and it works for pimples as well. It is a cheap and easily available homemade face pack for pimples and dark spots, and it can be applied to sensitive skin as well, since it does not cause excessive dryness of the skin.

baking soda

Wash your face with lukewarm water and then apply a paste of baking soda on the pimples by mixing it with a few drops of water. Leave on the face for 10 minutes or till it dries, then wash it off with water.


Neem leaves are the ultimate natural remedy for pimples, acne and skin infections because they have antiseptic, antifungal, antioxidant, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Topical application of neem oil or paste of neem leaves helps in rejuvenating the skin and repairing the existing damage.

neem paste

If you are using neem oil, just dab it directly on the pimples, wait for 30 minutes and wash off with water. And if you are using neem leaves, then make a paste of the leaves and apply it on the pimples, leave it on for an hour and then wash it off with water.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an effective essential oil with potent antibacterial properties that fight and remove the microbes that breed inside the pores and cause pimple and acne breakouts. Tea tree oil also opens the clogged pores by clearing out the dead skin cells and prevents pimples from coming back.

Tea tree oil

Mix one part of pure tea tree oil with 6 parts of water and apply it on the pimples. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off with water. The anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil help in reducing the redness and swelling of the pimples. In addition, it is also an effective natural remedy for treating ringworm.

Milk of Magnesia

Milk of magnesia or magnesium hydroxide is a laxative that helps in resolving digestive disorders. But it also helps in calming and relaxing the inflamed and irritated skin around the pimples and reduces excess oil and sebum from the skin.

magnesium hydroxide

Dab some milk of magnesia on the pimple at night before going to bed and wash it off with water the next morning to get clear and pimple-free skin.

There are a wide range of holistic home remedies to treat pimples, but these 15 remedies help in curing pimples fast overnight so that you can flaunt clear and pimple–free face in the morning.

Top 15 Face Packs to Get Rid of Pimple Overnight – PDF

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