Category: Workouts

Exercise and Diet Correlation in Weight Management – A Complete Guide

Aiming for the perfect shape is the health goal for many, not only from an aesthetic sense but also from a sustainable well-being perspective. But achieving the hourglass figure or a slim torso is way more challenging. Adding the extra pounds doesn’t take more than two burgers and four sodas …

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diet plan before and after gym session

Fuel Your Body with Diet Before and After Gym Session

The human body is a wonder machine working day in and day out without any error but with substantial downtime for recharging. Like any other artificial machine, the human body runs effortlessly on fuel fed into its system. The fuel is the food that we intake essential for its errorless …

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How to Improve Immunity with Natural Foods, Supplements and Workouts

“Prevention is better than cure.” “Prevention is better than cure”, a timeless proverb that has been overused and yet remains the best words to remember when dealing with your body or health. Your immune system is the first line of defence against myriad harmful invaders and infections. The best way …

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How Can We Lose 300 Calories in a Day?

Planning to burn 300 calories a day? Wait a minute, is that even possible? It’s so hard to lose an extra kilo, and whatever we do, we aren’t quite getting the results we want. But hey! Don’t give up as yet, as there are some secret hacks that can help …

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Yoga Poses to Beat Stress

Yoga Vs Gym – Which you Should Opt for and Why?

Exercise and I are fast buddies; I love to saunter into the gym and workout every single day! Okay, that sounds too much, I know. The truth is that although I love gym workouts, I do get bored of them sometimes. The same old drill; do the squats, do the …

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Amazing Tips to Develop Six Pack Abs

Top 10 Exercises to Develop Six Pack Abs without Equipments

Summer is knocking at the door and it is time to get into your beach bermuda pants and bikinis to flaunt your ripped six packs. But developing the six pack abs involves a lot of hard work and persistence along with the strict diet. In this article we listed the …

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modified cobra pose

10 Remarkable Stretching Exercises Before Workouts

Stretching is a crucial part of warm up exercises that most of us tend to skip because of the lack of time. But fitness experts will tell you that stretching can actually make things easier during actual workouts by increasing flexibility and boosting blood flow beforehand. It increases the effectiveness …

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Cardio Workouts For Weight Loss

Top 8 Cardio Workouts for Fast Weight Loss at Home

In recent times, obesity has turned out to be an epidemic in developed and developing countries alike. Our unhealthy lifestyle with over-dependence on harmful processed and packed foods, and lack of physical activity is to blame. It is high time to take care of our health and control the reins …

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