H3N2 Virus - Symptoms, Transmission, Preventions, and Diet Tips
H3N2 Virus – Symptoms, Transmission, Preventions, and Diet Tips

Uh oh, it is that time of year again. The dreaded flu season is upon us, and this year’s villain is the infamous H3N2 virus. This bad boy is part of the same family as other notorious viruses like H1N1 and H5N1, which makes it a force to be reckoned with. H3N2 is highly contagious […]

Covid Toe: Causes, Effects & Remedies
What is COVID Toe? Causes, Effects And Remedies

The entire world is revolving around the sudden re-emergence of COVID-19 in 2021 and how this virus is affecting our life once again. At present, we are living in a maze and are desperately looking for symptoms of COVID-19, but we often miss out on a very important sign or symptom of detection, which is […]

Diet plan for COVID-19 patients with diabetes
The Effects of COVID-19 on People with Diabetes – Treatment and Diet Tips

The Coronavirus 2019 pandemic has swept across the globe, causing large-scale social upheaval. As the pandemic rages on, new complications and new findings have come to light. It has been long known that older people, those with underlying medical conditions and a compromised immune system, are at a higher risk of developing severe complications. People […]

What is Proning? Does It Help COVID-19 Patients to Improve Their Oxygen Level?

A recent study has detailed the respiratory difficulties experienced by COVID-19 patients. It was mostly aimed at the respiratory physiology of mechanically ventilated patients due to their association with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This syndrome highlights low respiratory system compliance in their supine position and so we need to find some needful ways to […]

Post Covid Syndrome – Long-term Effects, Preventive Measures & Home Re...

Even a mild case of COVID-19 is turning critical in this Second Wave of 2021. The alarming signs of COVID-19 which you can experience in this deadly Second Wave are continuous headache, extreme fatigue, and headache. You’ll be surprised to know that, people who are officially declared as ‘recovered’ or who are in the Post […]

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