How to Remove Acne Scars and Pimple Marks – 10 Home Remedies to Get Amazing Skin

Reviewed by: | Author: Manoja Kalakanti

We live in a world filled with dirt and pollution; hence, avoiding dead cells, dirty pores, and bacteria can be difficult. At present, we are caught in extreme climatic conditions happening due to global warming. Due to this, keeping your skin safe from acne scars and pimples has lately turned into a challenge. But there are some simple home remedies for rejuvenating your skin.

What are acne scars and pimple marks?

Whenever a pimple pops up or some acne scars are visible, you tend to get restless or frustrated and quickly want to get rid of it, but the question is, how? Even if you manage to heal your pimple issues quickly, still acne blemishes won’t leave you that soon and will keep on haunting you with their dark marks on the skin. Nothing to worry about anymore because now you can get rid of those unwanted marks from your skin, that too by following some simple and easy home remedies.

All You Need to Know About Acne Scars and Pimple Marks

We all are aware of pimple and acne scars, but most of us don’t really have a deep understanding of them. How or why do we get those? Today, we are going to learn more about them in detail. Pimple is acknowledged as a type of acne resulting from black pores, which mainly occur due to excessive production of :

  • Oil (Sebum)
  • Dead skin cells
  • Bacteria

 What are acne and pimples?

On the other hand, acne is nothing but a prolonged condition of the skin where the presence of oil glands at the base of hair follicles develop various non-inflammatory or inflammatory issues, ranging from :

  • Whiteheads
  • Pimples
  • Blackheads
  • Cysts
  • Pustules

What Causes Acne Scars And Pimple Marks?

There is a possibility that acne scars occur due to skin pores filled with dead cells, oil, and bacteria. They are most common among countries suffering from extreme climatic conditions like those in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Why Acne Scars or Pimple Marks occur?

When acne breaks out and penetrates deep into your skin, it slowly destroy your skin and tissues and damage it. To repair it, sometimes the body starts producing collagen. When acne starts getting cleared, the body sometimes takes the initiative to cure the damages, and the amount of collagen produced by your body give rise to two types of scars :

  • Depressed Acne Scars: If collagen production is too less in your body, then depressions or pits remain in your body during the healing process.
  • Raised Acne Scars: If your body produces too much collagen, then your body will develop Raised Acne Scars, and it is said that this particular type of acne is most common among Afro-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians.

Thus, the causes of acne scars and pimples are:

  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Lack of sleep
  • Insufficient water intake
  • Hereditary
  • Consumption of certain medicines like steroids
  • Extreme environmental conditions like pollution, presence of toxins, ultraviolet rays
  • Hot and humid conditions
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Sugar and junk foods

10 Natural Home Remedies to Remove Acne Scars and Pimple Marks

Pimple marks and acne marks can stain your beauty and hurt your confidence every time you see yourself in the mirror. You end up not appreciating your physical appearance or inner beauty. The time has come when you can finally do something constructive about it and that too at a nominal price by smartly utilizing home remedies to cure your acne and pimple issues at your convenience.

Natural Remedy To Cure Acne Scars And Pimple Marks

It should be noted that the best way to keep your acne and pimples in check is by maintaining a proper and balanced diet where you should avoid spicy or oily food. Here are the ten remedies you should try :

1. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel should be recommended to those suffering from skin problems like acne scars, pimple marks or any infections. It contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which can relieve your skin blemishes and quickly remove your scars or marks. You need to apply a thick layer of aloe vera gel on the affected area and keep it overnight.

2. Coconut Oil

The rich and anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil can be very effective for your skin problems, and it can actively prevent your skin from developing new acne lesions. It contains vitamin E, K, and antioxidants, which help nourish your skin and remove pimple marks quickly. An application of a few drops of pure coconut oil on the affected part of your skin can give you the best results.

3. Honey

Honey has the properties to activate the healing process of your body. When 2 tbsp of honey is mixed with 1 tsp of cinnamon, then paste it forms becomes a beneficial remedy to treat your acne and pimple issues, and thus, this face mask can be a good inclusion in your beauty routine.

4. Zinc Supplements

Zinc is one of the most researched nutrients used to treat acne and pimple issues from its root because it can protect your immune system by battling harmful cells or harmful viruses or bacteria that exist in your body. Thus, it would help if you took a proper dose of zinc supplement every day to minimize your health problems, but you should do it only after consulting your physician.

5. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is often considered an effective bleaching agent, and thus, a little application of it with cotton pads can help to lighten up your skin. It is necessary to remember that after leaving it on the affected area for 10 – 15 minutes, you should wash it with lukewarm water to get the best results.

6. Turmeric Paste

In Indian history, turmeric is considered one of the oldest medicinal herbs, which holds anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants to treat your acne problems and lighten your skin tone. If you mix 1 – 2 tbsp of turmeric with few drops of lemon juice and then apply it on your face and keep it for 30 minutes, you can feel a considerable reduction of pigmentation and proper nourishment of your skin.

7. Shea Butter

Shea Butter is a promising nutrient which moisturizes your skin and brightens it from inside. Its anti-inflammatory and emollient properties can help your skin to rejuvenate and remove all the scars from your skin. You should apply it raw and not the refined version because it is said that the nutrients in the refined shea butter often get broken and make it useless to treat your skin problems.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has a perfect pH balance, and thus, proper application of it on your skin can soak excess oil from your skin pores and make it clean and exfoliate it naturally. A simple blend of 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp of honey and water can create magic for your skin where it helps to reduce redness and the size of the pimples and make your skin soft, smooth, and blemish-free.

9. Baking Soda

Baking soda has exfoliating and bleaching properties, which can help you eliminate clogged pores and skin marks. Baking soda can do wonders for your skin as the alkaline nature helps restore the skin’s pH balance to cure your scars and pimple marks.

10. Exfoliate

If you are suffering from acne and pimple issues, it is necessary to exfoliate your skin regularly as it can help you to get rid of dead cells, which mainly cause acne or pimples. In addition to that, it even cleans your skin pores. Apart from these, you should read this article 16 Healing Benefits Of Copper For Skin, Hair And Health to include it in your home remedy plan to treat your skin problems more diligently.

Other Medical Treatments To Get Clear Skin

The medical methods you should opt to treat your skin issues mainly depend on your skin type. Thus, it is essential to consult a dermatologist before taking any medical assistance to get clear skin.

Medical Treatment To Get Clear Skin

Due to technological advancement, medical procedures to treat your acne problem have improved. Medical procedures like laser treatment or chemical peels can help you to get rid of stubborn acne. At present, there are many available medical procedures to treat your skin problems within a short time where you don’t have to lose your patience or wait for uncountable days to fix your acne scars or pimple problems.

Laser / Light Therapy

Laser Treatment for acne scars tends to minimize the appearance of scars. Before going forward with the procedure, your doctor will let you undergo a pre-medication process to make your skin more adaptable to the light (photosensitizers) before application.


  • Makes your skin look younger
  • It prevents it from getting damaged
  • Nourishes your skin

Chemical Treatment / Chemical Peel

If you go for a chemical peel, your dermatologist will first apply a mild solution to your skin. This treatment is gaining popularity over the years for its ability to reduce fine lines, scars, or skin damages, and most importantly, it tends to nullify dead skin cells and generate nourishing skin.


  • Treats wrinkles
  • Nourishes your skin
  • Reduces fine lines

Micro-Needling / Steroid Injections

Micro-needling or steroid injections are mainly used to treat scars and acne that cause painful lumps under your skin. This treatment can reduce your pain quickly by clearing up your skin. It has some reactions which cannot always be suitable to your skin type, and it can also cause specific side effects.


  • Rejuvenates your skin
  • Treats scars and wrinkles
  • Reduces the size of large pores


If you are getting frustrated with your pimple pop-ups, and if you are tired of hearing people’s unnecessary advice, then it’s time to do something about it to nourish your skin from inside.


  1. How can I remove acne scars from my skin?

There are multiple ways to treat acne – first by opting for home remedies and second by going with other medical treatments like laser treatment, chemical peels, or micro-needling, but it should be remembered that each one involves specific side-effects of which you should be well aware of.

  1. What is the best natural way to remove acne scars?

The best natural way to remove acne scars is by applying aloe vera gel or turmeric paste on your skin’s affected area. It may take some effort, but you don’t have to get bothered about any side effects.

  1. Are acne marks permanent?

Generally, acne marks are left behind after pimples clear up, and it is said that if you pick or squeeze the acne, then there is a chance of having permanent scars, so immediate treatment is required to treat them.

  1. Do acne marks go away?

Yes, acne marks can go away or fade within a 3-6 months tenure, and a proper acne treatment can accelerate the process and let you enjoy glowing and clear skin. If you don’t want to go through an expensive and tedious medical treatment procedure, you can opt for some easy home remedies.

  1. What do acne scars look like?

Acne scars or marks generally look like shallow indentations or lesions. They can be scattered anywhere on your body, and sometimes, after a healing process, it often leads to discolouration of your skin, which is known as post-acne hyperpigmentation.

  1. What product is best for acne scars?

Face serum is always best to treat acne scars and that too within a brief period. Though home remedies like aloe vera gel, turmeric paste are effective and have fewer chances of resulting in any side effects, people still don’t want to go for it because it takes a reasonable amount of time to heal.

  1. How do you lighten acne scars?

There are medical ways to lighten your acne scars, but you should prefer to use home remedies for it daily. Products like shea butter, aloe vera gel, coconut oil can be very effective to lighten your skin and that too at a very reasonable cost.

  1. Can aloe vera remove scars?

For years, aloe vera gel has proved its effectiveness, and applying a thick layer of it on your affected area every night can heal your acne and lessen your pain, and within a month or two, it can let you have clear skin.

  1. How can I remove acne at home?

There are multiple ways to remove acne at home. Some products like apple cider vinegar, turmeric paste, fish oil supplement, and other products can help you treat acne if applied regularly.

  1. How do I stop pimples on my face?

It is essential to wash your face daily to remove excess oil, dirt, or sweat, which give rise to pimples, and for this reason, it is always recommended to exfoliate your skin once in two-weeks to be assured of clear skin.


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