How to prevent the third wave of coronavirus?
COVID-19 Third Wave – How to Protect Yourself During the Outbreak

As the world is still reeling under the devastating effects of the first two waves of COVID-19, there are alarming signs that a third wave might soon strike. The vaccinations have rolled out, nations are going back to normalcy, economies are being revived, yet the coronavirus pandemic is still a threat that looms over us […]

Covid Toe: Causes, Effects & Remedies
What is COVID Toe? Causes, Effects And Remedies

The entire world is revolving around the sudden re-emergence of COVID-19 in 2021 and how this virus is affecting our life once again. At present, we are living in a maze and are desperately looking for symptoms of COVID-19, but we often miss out on a very important sign or symptom of detection, which is […]

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