Everything About Skin Problems, Remedies and Diet Recipes

| Author: Manoja Kalakanti

What is beautiful skin? Something that is lustrous to look at? Fair and clear? No acne? Or just something that’s extremely healthy and supple from the inside? Well, we all have different opinions and personal choices when it comes to our favourite kind of skin. Clothes, accessories, makeup, all these make each one of us look different. But when it comes to skin, everyone needs just one thing- healthy skin! No one wants unhealthy skin. And needless to say, healthy skin isn’t just about good inner layers of tissues but also the look it gives from the outside! Skin that’s unhealthy inside and has poor tone can be made to look perfect from the outside with make-up, photography and even surgeries. But skin that has breakouts, pimples, acne and other problems on the surface clearly means it needs help!

All About Skin Care and its Herbal Home Remedies

The market is flooded with high-end, expensive products that promise to do wonders for glowing skin. But little do we know that it’s all short term. A product that’s man-made with chemicals, preservatives with a bit of the good concentration and still promises long term, permanent benefits, just sounds too good to be true!

So what’s the best deal? The best thing to do any day is to go all-natural! Yes, there are brands in the market that promise all naturally made ingredient products. But could there be anything better than making your own products and a list of natural remedies that are safe, hygienic, pure, cheap and extremely easy to obtain right from the cupboards of your kitchen or store room? Yes, this is possible and is very easy to do.

What more? You will have the skin you’ve always wished for right in the comfort of your house. But apart from just products to be applied, skin care starts from the basics. And that’s the routine that you follow for your skin. It’s very essential for every skin type to follow healthy habits. If you don’t possess that, whatever natural ingredients you use for your skin beautification, sadly isn’t going to work!

Healthy habits for your skin:

There are tons of signs of poor health and poor skin. Everyday takes a bad toll on us. Try these tips for healthy skin care.

Know your Skin

The number one step to all your skin troubles and skin goodness is to know your skin! By now, all of us know what skin type we are, what suits our skin, what our skin loves, hates and so on. But if you are one of those who need the integrate details of your skin, you can check out the new technological procedures like the skin analysis machines. They give you a detailed summary of your skin.

Know your skin

Wash it Up

Washing your face every few hours is a very important and basic start to your skin care. Apart from feeling refreshed and cooling your eyes, the water cleanses the upper impurities and dirt and clears the top layer of your skin. This is especially good for people with oily skin as they are more prone to break outs, pimples, acne and black heads. Go splash some water on your face right away and feel the goodness!

Wash it up!

PS-don’t forget to wash the face well after a workout. The opened pores from all the sweating will need a clean wash.

Eat Right to Look Right

Food does more than one can imagine to the skin. The trouble starts when a lot of us do not know how much of the good foods to consume. Yes, quantity is important even when it comes to quality food. It’s healthy does not mean that’s the only thing you’ll skin will need in abundance. The key is to eat a balanced diet. For example, a lot of dairy triggers a lot of oil into the skin pores. Hence, please have meals that have carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins and fibre all in the right quantity! You should have plenty of fresh fruits and veggies for your fibre and that’s unsaid!

Eat right to look right

Drink (read GULP) Water!

Drink, drink and drink more, but water only! You may love your fresh juices, your sodas, mocktails, cocktails and all the fizz in the world. And you can definitely enjoy a drink or two on occasions. But never forget that water is the ONLY magic drink for our body. It quenches the thirst like magic, it cleans up the organs from toxins, it fills you up when you need water and not food and most important, it clears up your skin like nothing else does! Drinking plentiful water definitely shows up on good, healthy skin! Start with 8 glass or three litres of clean water!

Drink water

Sleep (Zzzzzz… zzzz)

It’s not sleep. It’s beauty sleep! Yes, sleep effects your skin tremendously. Your body goes through a lot of wear & tear and dirt from the daily environment. To repair the cells, the body and skin needs rest. Sleep makes every single part, nerve, organ and cells rest in the body. The body needs ample 8 hours of sleep or even more. Give yourself an hour extra every day if possible. Let your cells repair and generate new ones. You will see the difference in your skin in less than a week!

skin needs some rest

Scrub and Exfoliate

To remove the dead cells from the upper layer of the skin and to open, clean your pores, you need to scrub your skin at least twice a week. If you have sensitive skin, do it one a week. But don’t miss this important step in your routine. Take a light exfoliating product and use that according to your skin. Make sure it’s neither too hard for you nor too soft. This removes the upper dead cells layer of the skin and brings out the new fresh skin from beneath.

Scrub and Exfoliate


Like exfoliating, the immediate next step that’s also very vital is to moisturize the skin. When the pores are opened and then cleaned, they are now open and prone to gather dust and dirt again. Hence, immediately apply a good moisturizer on slightly damp skin. Use the moisturizer suitable to your skin type only. Oily skin needs good moisturizing too, so don’t be sceptical and use a mild one.


The UV Harm

A lot of Indian men and women take the sun as a friend. Yes, it is. But when the UV rays get hotter and more harmful, forget the vitamin D and please safeguard yourself from the sun. The rays not just increase the tan in the body but also suck up all the moisture from our skin (sweat) and leaves the skin dry! Now the body’s natural mechanism asks it to produce oil in the skin because of the dryness. And we all know what oil production means- Pimples! Hence, sun protection and a good quality sunscreen is a must have.

The UV harm

Manage your Stress Levels

Who loves challenges? All of us! But today, stress is a free product that comes along with life’s challenges. Research says, the number one cause of all minor and major skin infections and diseases. The body releases cortisol and this in turn increases the production of toxins and oil. Stress aggravates new as well as already existing skin problems and diseases like psoriasis, eczema and a lot worse ones can follow. Therefore, to avoid all of this, being content and keeping stress at bay is a recommended.

Manage your stress levels

The “Happy” Vitamin

Just like how stress does all the wrong things to your skin, when you are happy and smiling, the skin blooms too! The most popular hormones that are released when you are tension free are endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. These hormones are responsible for the bio chemical process in your body that gives you the happy kick. They block all the cortisol and other bad hormones, giving the sheen on your skin that you always wanted!!

Vitamins and Minerals

Types of Skins and the Problems Associated with Them:

The main skin types are oily skin, dry skin and normal skin.

  • Normal skin, just like it sounds, is very normal and lucky. It doesn’t need a lot of care because its balanced naturally and isn’t prone to a lot of skin troubles.
  • Oily skin on the other hand is the most sensitive one. Along with a lot of after care, it also needs to be checked on every step like food, drinks, lifestyle etc. The products that you use also need to be “nature” based and nothing too aggressive.
  • Dry skin needs attention for adding moisture into it at least twice a day. Its dry and flaky most of the times and needs a lot of water, oil, and vitamin E to keep it healthy and supple.

Types of Skins and the Problems Associated with Them

Top Herbal Home Remedies for Some Common Skin Problems:

Skin Whitening:

No offence but sadly, the white craze is still on in our country. But if it’s just the colour you like, then there’s absolutely no harm in trying to lighten your skin!

  • Lemon has herbal and bleaching properties. Bleaching is another word that means reduction of the now existing colour. Hence, lemons help lightening your natural skin shade, making you look a little fair skinned. It is also loaded with antioxidants that aids in production of new cells and creates a better complexion.
  • Tomatoes also have bleaching and astringent properties. Tomatoes help maintain the ph balance in skin and prevent oil from accumulating on the layer. This prevention makes the skin look a lot clearer and brighter than compared to the original skin tone.

Skin Whitening

  • Curd or yogurt is another herbal kitchen product that many experts swear by. The best part is, you can either eat this common yet effective kitchen product or apply it to your face. The results will be the same clear skin! The lactic acid helps removing the dead cells from the skin layer, unfolding brighter skin!

Herbal Remedy for Skin Whitening:

Using the above simple herbal home products, you can make a wonderful face pack for skin whitening:

Herbal remedy for skin whitening

Mix one tbspn tomato juice, one tbspn lemon juice and a little curd. Mix and apply on the face completely. Leave to rest for 15 minutes and rinse off for a glowing complexion!

Acne and Pimples:

The peskiest of all skin problems are pimples and the acne. Don’t worry, read ahead for just the right face pack for this.

Acne and Pimples

  • Honey is great for firming the skin, moisturizing it and giving it that glaze of sheen that it has. The sticky honey creates an excellent glow!
  • Cinnamon has anti-microbial properties. That means it helps the skin keep bad bacteria at bay.

Herbal Remedy for Acne and Pimples:

Make a combo mask of these two excellent herbal home products. Take 2 tbslp of honey and mix it them 1 tspn of cinnamon powder. Apply this either just on the pimples and the affected area or to your entire face! Rest for 15 mins and rinse off well. Take your time here because the mixture gets sticker when dried.

Honey and cinnamon

Black Heads and White Heads:

We all know how irritating these heads are. Black or white, fighting them for good seems almost impossible. But we can definitely make sure they stay away for long!

Black heads and white heads

  • Soap or facewash, whatever you prefer and whatever suits your skin type.
  • Great as a scrubber.

Herbal Remedy for Black and White Heads:

Mix these both and rub on your skin gently. You can use this more than once in a day and you will soon see your white and black heads disappearing.

Herbal remedy for Black and white heads


Aging is an inevitable part of our lives. We definitely cannot avoid it. Having said that, we can definitely avoid is as much as we can. It’s just not about our genes. Wrinkles can be well managed with simple herbal remedies from mother nature.


  • Egg white is a basic protein filled natural ingredient. It’s also used for skin tightening and shrinking the skin pores.
  • Tea tree oil, like any oil is full of moisturizers. It soothes dry and flaky skin and gives it a new health!

Herbal Remedy for Wrinkles:

Mix up a tablespoon of egg white with a few drops of tea tree oil. Keep on the anti-aging mask till it dries and wash off. You will have not just younger skin, but also acne free and moisture filled skin in a few weeks!

Herbal remedy for Wrinkles

Tips and Tricks for healthy, glowing skin:

  • Refrigerate your night creams. They work better!
  • If you are working, find a physically active job.
  • Use your oats as mild scrubs.
  • Use sugar for a natural, more aggressive scrubbing.
  • Don’t forget to do your daily facial exercises- Smile more!

Tips and Tricks for healthy glowing skin

The best thing about all herbal home ingredients is that it has no side effects at all. Try and discover your favourite one!

Always remember that your skin is your best friend. It stays with you all the time in thick and thin. It deserves to be loved and taken good care of. After all, healthy skin means a happy you!

Everything about Skin Problems – Natural Solutions – PDF

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