Oolong Tea for Weight Loss – Health Benefits and Best Brands of Oolong Tea

Reviewed by: | Author: Manoja Kalakanti

Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea that is produced from the leaves and stems of the Camellia sinensis plant – the same plant from which black tea and green tea is made. In this article, we are going to discuss the health benefiting aspects of oolong tea, the most important of which is weight loss. It really works as effectively as green tea for weightloss, and sometimes its effectiveness even surpasses that of green tea. But before getting on with the advantages it is necessary to answer the question of what is oolong tea.

Oolong Tea for Weight Loss - Health Benefits and Best Brands of Oolong Tea1

Oolong tea is best defined as partially oxidised green tea. Oolong tea is somewhere between green tea and black tea. It is the most diverse type of tea, and its taste varies from sweet and fruity to thick and earthy. Oolong tea is a gift of nature, packed with antioxidants along with essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, potassium and vitamins A, C, E and K. In addition, it also contains niacin, folic acid and detoxifying alkaloids.

Oolong Tea For Weight Loss

Oolong tea and weight loss are closely related, and the two are often discussed together. One of the biggest advantages of oolong tea is that it is by far the best tea for weight loss. But what makes oolong tea so effective? The polyphenol compounds present in oolong tea work effectively in controlling the metabolism in the body by activating certain enzymes that trigger the functions of the fat cells present in the body.

oolong tea for controlling Metabolism

It is believed that consumption of just 2 cups of oolong tea on a daily basis can help reduce obesity. Research shows that oolong tea helps decline overall body weight and fat index. Some other studies show that the caffeine present in oolong tea is the active ingredient responsible for weight loss. Whatever might be the case, it is true that the active components in oolong tea make the fat work for you rather than against you.

Oolong Tea Benefits for Weight Loss

So, now that we know the healthiest tea for weight loss let us understand how it works for us to lose weight.

Boost Metabolism

Oolong tea is packed with powerful antioxidants that help to enhance the metabolism by almost 10% and keep it up for 2 hours after drinking the tea. Oolong tea is considered one of the best home remedies to boost metabolism.

Oolong Tea For Weight Loss

Raise Fat Oxidation

The presence of active ingredient caffeine in oolong tea when combined with the ECGCs work together to notch up fat oxidation.

Increase Energy Expenditure

The polyphenol compounds present in oolong tea boosts the body’s energy expenditure and also blocks the absorption of cholesterol and dietary fat by almost 50% when it is consumed 3 times a day.

Reduce Abdominal Fat

Oolong tea is especially effective in preventing obesity even while following a high-fat diet. The antioxidants in oolong tea target the fat deposited in the tummy and upper arms. It also reduces harmful LDL cholesterol safely without causing any side-effects.

Reduce Abdominal Fat

Helps Regulate Blood Sugar

Last but not the least, oolong tea help prevent craving for unhealthy snacks and sweets by stabilizing blood sugar levels so that you feel more satiated and balanced.

10 Other Health Benefits of Oolong Tea

Oolong tea contains the combined qualities of green tea and black tea that makes it one of the healthiest beverages with amazing health benefits.

Fights Cancer Cells

People often ask what is oolong tea good for and is it actually better than green tea. Well, one of the most effective health benefits of oolong tea is its ability to prevent cancer. As discussed before, oolong tea contains high amounts of antioxidants – polyphenols and catechins that stop the growth of cancerous cells caused by free radicals.

Fight Cancer Cells

These polyphenolic extracts also work as chemo-preventive instruments which prevent the development of other cancerous forms. They stifle the formation of N-nitroso compounds and trap the toxic agents before they turn active.

Strengthen the Immune System

Yet another potent health benefit of oolong tea is that it helps boost the natural immune power of the body which helps fight infections and diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. The antioxidant flavonoids found in oolong tea prevents cellular damage and boosts the production of anti-bacterial proteins which leads to strong immune response when the body is faced with an infection.

Diabetes Management

Unbalanced blood sugar levels are one of the main reasons for unhealthy food cravings, when then lead to further weight gain and increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Oolong tea is used as a herbal remedy for treating type 2 diabetes in combination with supplementary drugs. It regulates the level of blood sugar and insulin present in the bloodstream at all times and prevents any sudden spike or dips in blood sugar that can be extremely harmful to diabetic patients. The antioxidant present in oolong tea also does wonders for metabolizing blood sugar. Drinking a few cups of oolong tea throughout the day is the best way to prevent evening and late night food cravings.

Diabetes Management1

Prevents Tooth Decay

The antioxidants present in oolong tea protect the teeth from the corrosive acids produced by certain bacteria, and also inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth. It works effectively to prevent tooth decay, stop the build-up of plaque and eliminate the growth of bacteria that is responsible for bad breath.

Promote Heart Health

Oolong tea improves cardiovascular health in several ways. It not only reduces the blood concentration of triglycerides but also lowers the overall level of cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of oolong tea also increases the levels of plasma adiponectin in the blood. Low levels of plasma adiponectin are linked to coronary artery disease (CAD), obesity and type 2 diabetes.

heart health

Oolong tea is also useful for hindering the progression of atherosclerosis in patients with coronary artery disease. Keeping all its benefits in mind, oolong tea can be considered one of the most potent home remedies for heart health.

Strong and Healthy Bones

Consistent oolong tea drinkers have strong bone structures because it prevents loss of bone mineral density and helps absorb and retain the essential minerals from the healthy foods. Also, oolong tea itself contains magnesium and calcium in its leaves – two of the most important minerals in human body that protect the bones and prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a serious medical condition in which bones become fragile and brittle due to loss of tissue.

Reduce Stress

Stress is a natural response to tense and trying situations that we face in our day to day lives, but chronic stress can take a serious toll on our overall health. Therefore, we must take efforts to manage and control stress in a successful manner. Doctors often prescribe relaxing activities such as meditation, yoga and tai chi techniques for effective stress management. But other than these activities what you eat also has a powerful impact on your stress levels.

Reduce the Stress

Research shows that consumption of oolong tea aids in remarkable improvement in stress levels by almost 10 to 18%. The polyphenols present in oolong tea work as potent stress-busters. In addition, the L-theanine and amino acids found in the tea leaves block the L-glutamic acid from reaching the glutamate receptors in the brain that is one of the main causes of neuron excitement that results in stress responses.

Promotes Healthy Skin

Drinking a few cups of oolong tea every day is the answer to the question of how to get really clear skin naturally. Oolong tea helps treat various skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis and eczema that are caused as a result of allergic reactions and makes the skin itchy, inflamed and flaky.

Glowing-skin with white chocolate

The healing properties of the antioxidants help cure these allergies and also fight the damage caused by free radicals. Drinking oolong tea also makes the skin youthful and vibrant and slows down skin aging. The beneficial effects of consuming oolong tea can be noticed just after 1 to 2 weeks of starting to drink oolong tea.

Getting Rid of Free Radicals

The free radicals produced in the body are responsible for cell damage, mutation and oxidative stress, and can also lead to chronic disease like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, atherosclerosis and neurodegeneration along with stroke and cancer. The powerful antioxidants polyphenols present in oolong tea removes these free radicals from the body and controls the behaviour of the free radical compounds in the body.

Improves Brain Functions

Despite all the disadvantages of coffee, it is considered one of the best sources of caffeine to help boost brain functions and oolong tea isn’t far in this regard either. Oolong tea is loaded with caffeine, which helps revitalize your mental alertness and enhance performance. But people who have caffeine sensitivity should limit the intake of oolong tea and coffee and enjoy only lightly steep tea once a day.

Improves Brain Function

How Do You Make the Perfect Oolong Tea for Weight Loss?

So, now that we know about the functions of oolong tea for weight loss, let us learn the method of preparing a perfect cup of oolong tea.

Method 1 – Using Oolong Tea Powder

oolong tea powder


  • 1 teaspoon of oolong tea powder
  • 1 cup of hot water


Add 1 teaspoon of oolong tea powder to a cup of hot water and let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the tea and allow it to cool slightly. Sip the tea slowly and enjoy its aromatic taste.

Method 2 – Using Oolong tea leaves

Using Oolong tea leaves


  • 1 teaspoon of loose oolong tea leaves
  • 1 cup water
  • Tea infuser


Bring 1 cup of water to boil at 200 degrees F. Pour the water in a cup, fill a tea infuser with a teaspoon of loose oolong tea leaves, place it in the cup and let it steep for 5 to 6 minutes. Enjoy the refreshing taste of the tea.

Method 3 – Using Oolong tea bags

Oolong tea bags


  • 1 oolong tea bag
  • 1 cup of boiled water


Steep an oolong tea bag in a cup of boiled water for 2 minutes and keep the cup covered with a saucer. Take out the tea bag and enjoy the tea by sipping slowly.

8 Best Brands of Oolong Tea

So, now that you have some idea about the health benefits of oolong tea, let us discuss some of the most popular brands of oolong tea which will help you decide which one is the most suitable for you. Although Chinese oolong tea is considered an all-time favourite among health-conscious people, there are various other types of oolong tea growing in different regions of the world that are equally beneficial.

Bigelow Chinese Oolong Tea

The delicious and aromatic taste of this Chinese oolong tea lives up to the expectation of the tea lovers. It reflects an earthy taste because the leaves are only partially fermented. A cup of Bigelow’s oolong tea is the perfect beverage to kick start the day and it can also be enjoyed with meals or served to guests.

Bigelow Chinese Oolong Tea

Foojoy Wuyi Mt. Oolong Tea

The tea leaves used in papering the tea are handpicked from the mountains of the Fujian Province – the hub of the finest quality oolong tea. This tea reflects a sumptuous taste and it is ideal for weight loss.

Foojoy Wuyi Mt. Oolong Tea

Twinings China Oolong Tea

Twinings is a world-famous tea brand that has been in business since 1706 and the oolong tea from Twinings lives up to its reputation for quality. This is the perfect brand of oolong tea to stock in your home. You can bask in the subtle and refreshing taste of Twinings China Oolong tea in the evening when your body and mind craves a dose of rejuvenation.

Twinings China Oolong Tea

All Natural Vintage Wuyi Oolong Tea

The taste of vintage Wuyi oolong tea takes you back to ancient China at the times of the Tang Dynasty, who knew oolong like the back of their hands. The Wuyi Oolong Tea is simply magnificent on its own to start the day or to unwind in the afternoon, and it can be perfectly combined with elaborate meals as well.

Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea – Iron Goddess of Mercy

This is a superior quality oolong tea that is also known as the Iron Goddess of Mercy, which is prepared from the hand-harvested soft stem Wu-Yi tea bush following traditional methods. The taste is rich and smooth with full-bodied and fragrant aromas. The Iron Goddess of Mercy is a gift for tea lovers.

Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea

Ceylon Organic Oolong Tea

Organic Oolong tea is the least processed, and it contains the highest amounts of antioxidants and nutrients. The Ceylon organic oolong tea is tea in its purest form that has been manufactured in accordance with the best organic practices. The organic oolong tea boasts of the old world goodness that you expect from finest-quality oolong. Ceylon organic oolong tea comes in the form of tea bags.

Ceylon Organic Oolong Tea

The Tao of Tea Black Dragon Loose Leaf Oolong Tea

This particular brand of oolong tea is hand rolled and roasted and has a sweet scent. It is a high-quality, premium oolong tea that matches the standards of the tea served at best Chinese restaurants. It contains the goodness of both green tea and black tea that makes it a worthy beverage for health conscious individuals.

Prince of Peace Premium Oolong Tea

Prince of Peace premium oolong tea is made from 100% natural tea, and it contains no added preservatives, colors or flavours. The tea leaves are handpicked from the gardens. The tea reflects delightfully aromatic flavours along with a bright golden color that stands as a guarantee of its quality.

Prince of Peace Premium Oolong Tea

There are various other ways to enjoy the taste of oolong tea and make the most out of its health-benefitting aspects. You can also enjoy a blend of green tea and oolong tea or ginseng oolong tea. Ginseng oolong tea health benefits include reduced blood pressure, lower level of cholesterol, hindering the growth of cancerous tumours, prevention of heart disease and boosting the immune system.

Words of Caution

Although oolong tea is an extremely healthy beverage, an excess of anything can be harmful.

  • Oolong tea contains high levels of caffeine which can be harmful to caffeine-sensitive people, and it can lead to certain caffeine side effects like increased heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, difficulty in sleeping, dehydration, depression, increased PMS symptoms and many more.
  • Pregnant and nursing women and those taking prescription medications should avoid the consumption of oolong tea.

Oolong tea side effect

  • Oolong tea contains naturally occurring fluorides. Excessive oolong tea consumption can lead to high levels of fluorides in the body and cause skeletal fluorosis.
  • Over-consumption of oolong tea can also cause hypokalemia, upset stomach, kidney stones, beriberi and tea allergy.

So, cut out soda, energy drinks and sugary drinks and rejuvenate yourself with the refreshing taste of organic oolong tea to enjoy its amazing health benefits.

Oolong Tea for Weight Loss – Check out the Health Benefits – PDF

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