One of the most burning health issues that most of us deal with each and every day of our lives is trying to cope up with our weight gain issues. There are a number of reasons that are responsible for weight gain such as insulin spikes, inflammation, glycemic control and hormones regulating metabolism. In today’s world, obesity has emerged as a wide-spread and prevalent health issue. It is a complex disorder and in order to answer the question of how to overcome obesity it is necessary to understand the lifestyle, genetic behaviour and psychological factors that influence this disorder.
It is true that overeating is one of the major causes of weight gain but have you ever thought why some people overeat? Well, overeating stems from a number of factors such as imbalance in the network of biochemical in the brain known as neurotransmitters along with an imbalance in gut-derived hormones that regulate satiety and control the urge of eating. In this article, we will consider the advantages of restoring the balance of the healthy gut flora through the Gut Balance Revolution Diet, which helps in losing weight in a permanent way by boosting metabolism and restoring the inner ecology of the body. It is a reliable way to permanent weight loss with no yo-yo effect.
We have all heard that the best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more, and many of us follow this rule by opting for the popular 1200 calorie diet and exercise plan. But it is not only the foods we eat that determines out body weight, but the natural balance of gut flora also plays a determining role in weight gain and weight loss along with the development of a healthy immune system that protects us from diseases.
Our intestine is actually a complex ecosystem of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi -all of which is collectively known as the human gut microbiome. Nourishing these microorganisms with a microbiome diet helps to improve overall health. The human body contains roughly 100 trillion of these microorganisms at any given time.
The human body cannot produce natural enzymes to break down carbohydrates, so this job is done by the gut microflora that helps digest the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
The gut flora manufactures vitamin K, vitamin B12, niacin, pyridoxine and other essential nutrients from the foods we consume.
The gut flora creates the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that are necessary to regulate immunity, promote healing and fight inflammation that is useful for protection against cancer and other diseases.
The gut microflora function as the primary line of defence against foreign pathogens invading our body.
These bacterial genes train the gut’s immune system to control systemic inflammation and determines whether you will develop allergies or autoimmune diseases.
Recent research shows that there is a close relation between the gut microflora, the digestive system and the nervous system which regulates everything from appetite regulation to mood and behaviour.
Toxic metabolites and carcinogens are produced during metabolization of food. The gut flora degrades the harmful biochemical so that it can be eliminated from the system safely.
The gut balance revolution diet is one of the functional diets for weight loss that consists of three phases. This diet brings about a healthy change in lifestyle and promotes steady weight loss.
This first phase of the diet is known as the reboot phase, which consists of 30 days of high-protein, ketogenic, low-glycemic load foods. It helps to boost metabolism, improve digestive health, reduce inflammation, and improve insulin sensitivity as well as burn fat.
The second phase of the diet is called the rebalance phase, which consists mostly of prebiotics, probiotic and other foods that aid the gut flora to thrive. Phase 2 should continue for 1 to 2 months or till the time you achieve your target weight.
This is the third phase of the gut balance revolution diet, which helps you integrate a long-term, sustainable and flexible, healthy diet chart that will help to keep off the weight. Phase 3 is more of a lifetime phase that can be continued for as long as you like.
Phase 1 continues for the first 30 days of this healthy weight loss diet that re-establishes a healthy relationship with food, and most people experience accelerated weight loss during this phase. Many people lose 10 to 15 pounds during the first month of the program. The basic secret to the success of this phase is a diet containing low-carbohydrate, moderate fat, high proteins. It limits the intake of starchy and highly processed foods.
Popular losing weight tips almost always suggest the inclusion of protein in the diet for reducing appetite and craving. High-quality lean protein is highly satiating, and it reduces your desire to overeat. Increasing protein intake promotes weight loss by promoting energy expenditure. Some of the best natural protein sources are wild salmon, tilapia, eggs, wild game, poultry, nuts, and tofu.
A healthy weight loss diet doesn’t always have to be a low-fat diet. It is more important to balance the types of fat you eat rather than reducing the total intake of fat. All you need to do is choose anti-inflammatory fats that fight chronic diseases and help you lose weight.
We are well aware of the advantages of olive oil for body, and overall health and olive oil is an amazing anti-inflammatory fat that helps in protecting the heart against cardiovascular diseases and aids in weight maintenance.
The next healthy fat in the list is canola oil. This unsaturated fat is rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that reduce hypertension, balances cholesterol and fights inflammation.
A balanced fruit and vegetable meal plan is the best source of healing carbs that have low glycemic index and are packed with healthy phytonutrients. Consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of heart diseases, stroke, and various other chronic diseases. In addition, they also help the gut bacteria to grow and thrive.
Along with these healthy foods here is a list of 10 superfoods for Phase 1: eggs, chia, cinnamon, berries, green tea, ginger, avocado, quinoa, cayenne pepper and whey protein. Many of these foods and spices are often included in the home remedies for weight loss.
Phase 2 of this microbiome diet plan shifts the focus towards rebalancing the growth of inner flora by fertilizing them. In this phase, you will be allowed to consume healthy carbohydrates, fibers, and whole foods which function as prebiotics and feed your gut-friendly bacteria. It helps the bifidobacteria – one of the primary probiotics to support a lean metabolism.
In this phase, you will also consume lots of fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, miso, kimchi and sauerkraut, which supply good bacteria to the gut. In this phase, you can expect a sustained weight loss of approximately 5 to 10 pounds every month. You need to continue this phase until your achieve your weight loss goal.
Along with these healthy carbohydrates, prebiotics and probiotics you can also include the following 10 superfoods in your phase 2 diet: oats, asparagus, beans, kale, miso, turmeric, vinegar, yogurt, kefir, and kimchi.
Once you achieve your target weight and feel renewed, you can start working on setting the stage for long-term health and optimal weight. Phase 3 is more of a permanent weight loss diet which is flexible and sustainable, and it integrates more foods into the diet. In this phase, it is your responsibility to create your own personalized eating plan for life.
It is best to follow a well-planned heritage diet like the Mediterranean diet throughout Phase 3 that will help to cultivate and biodiversity the gut microflora and also deliver a host of health benefits for a healthy life.
Following the Mediterranean diet in the final phase of the gut balance revolution is one of the proven ways to lose weight and it is one of the best-suited sustainable diet plans for women and men alike. The Mediterranean way of eating helps to promote cardiovascular health, improve metabolic syndrome (central obesity, hypertension, increased inflammation), reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, improve non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and stop abdominal fat gain.
So, now that we know the list of foods to include in the 3 phases of the diet let us take a look at the list of foods that are forbidden in the Gut Balance Revolution Diet.
No matter which weight loss diet you follow, the importance of exercise for weight loss cannot the overstated. Exercise helps reduce inflammation and stress, and makes you more insulin sensitive and builds lean muscle mass that in turn increase the fat-burning capacity of the body.
Although it is not possible to state for sure whether exercise has a direct impact on your gut microbes, a few studies show that exercise can neutralize the inflammation in your gut flora caused by external environmental toxins and other factors. Some of the best approaches to exercises to reap the most benefits are as follows:
Walking is the most reliable approach to exercise for beginners or people who have had a sedentary lifestyle for a long time and have just started exercising. Walking is one of the best cardio workouts to lose weight and walking for just 15 to 30 minutes every day can reduce the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Begin with 15 to 45 minutes of light walk-in 3 to 4 times a week and then gradually increase the speed, time and frequency of your walks depending on your health status.
Walking with Intervals of Weigh Training 0r Combining interval training with walking helps notch up the cardiovascular benefits of your workout and acts as a more effective way to burn fat and balance the level of insulin in the body. You can plan your interval training by running as fast as you can for 1 minute and then running at a slower pace for 2 minutes and repeating the same interval 6 times.
Resistance training is weight training using your own body weight and it is an important part of most exercise programs. It helps to build lean muscle mass and strengthen the skeletal structure. Some of the best body weight exercises you can do using dumbbells are hinge rows, plié squat and curl, lunge twist, bridge with flies, kneeling arms raise, step and raise, single leg row, flamingo lateral lift, dip and punch, etc. All these exercises are low-impact and do not put too much strain on the joints.
So, what are you waiting for? Bring about a change in your lifestyle with the amazing Gut Balance Revolution Diet and pave the path towards weight loss and effective weight maintenance.
Manoja Kalakanti