Dry/Cracked feet is one of the horrible nightmares to many people nowadays. However, it continues in all seasons causing pain and irritation whenever you put your feet on the ground. It is a sign of lack of attention to foot care that usually leads to cracked heels. They usually appear for those who have dry skin and thick callus feet around the rim of the heel. They do not cause much harm unless and until they tend to be so deep into the skin and cause bleeding. The skin on your feet is usually dry when compared to other parts of the body. The skin on your feet has no oil glands it takes several thousands of sweat glands to keep it moisturized always. So, the one who fails to moisturize their feet often is more prone to this discomfort.
The cracked heels worsens the situation in the case of diabetes patients, especially in aged persons. Treating them under such conditions are not completely successful most of the times. Sometimes the deficiency of zinc and omega- 3 fatty acids can lead to cracked heels. Sebum production and skin losing enough moisture will lead to cracked feet in elder people.
Symptoms of the cracked heels include itchy, rough and flaky skin, redness, and fissures in the feet, cracks to the extent where you even experience bleeding from cracks. The condition worsens during summer and winter climatic conditions.
You can control the harmful effects that affected your feet and can still dream of soft and silky feet by saving your fortune. Here are some quick homemade exfoliating scrubs that help you prevent your feet from cracked feet and protect you from other skin diseases and rashes.
This home made scrub is used to soften your feet with minimal effort. The ingredients used in this scrub are mostly available in our day to day life.
This scrub nourishes the dry skin and removes the dead skin cells under your feet.
This exfoliating foot scrub revitalizes and softens the rough feet. Follow the steps carefully to gain soft and silky feet.
This foot scrub helps you to remove dead skin cells accumulated on your foot skin throughout the day
Banana is a great moisturizer and trying out a foot scrub using a banana would fetch you maximum result.
This scrub is simple yet functions great when applied to your feet. Banana pulp works as a good moisturizer and leaves your feet with much softer and smoother skin.
This foot moisturizer helps you in smoothening the dry and achy feet. Applying this daily would help you to get rid of cracked heels as early as possible.
Next day, in the morning your feet will feel softer and by regular application of this scrub you get rid of cracked feet early.
This cream moisturizes your feet as you can apply it at anytime in a day and don’t forget to shake the cream before each use.
These homemade foot scrubs and moisturizing creams heals your from cracked feet without any side effects and also you need not spend money on expensive spa agents. Giving attention to your feet once in a while is necessary to get rid of cracked heels.
As you don’t know exactly the trigger factor that caused cracked feet maintaining proper dietary approach is also required. Some of the nutritional deficiencies also lead to cracked heels. Intake of foods rich in vitamin A, E, calcium, iron, zinc, and omega- 3 fatty acid assists the healing process. Carrots, cereals, vegetable oils, whole grain bread, nuts, milk, yogurt, chicken, fish, beans, brown rice, and flaxseed oil are some of the good sources for these nutrients. Consuming plenty of water keeps your skin hydrated.
Try out these formulae and following the necessary diet tips would help you resolve your foot problems soon. You can share your opinions and queries via the comments section.
Manoja Kalakanti