Top 10 Benefits of Olive Oil Body Massage- 12 Best Tips for a Perfect Massage

| Author: Manoja Kalakanti
This content has been Medically reviewed by Dr. Surya Kedara, MBBS – General Physician

The history of olive oil dates back to Neolithic times and it was considered the greatest gift of God to mankind by ancient Greeks who used it as a medicine for treating various medical conditions. It was also used as an essential oil for treating various skin diseases and ailments. The trees are native to the Mediterranean Basin and later spread to the rest of the world. The oil is obtained by pressing whole olives and is presently used for cooking and in pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. Being rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids; it is great for consumption and hold an important place in the high blood pressure diet chart. It is also one of the best oils that are used for body massage by professionals.

Benefits of Olive Oil Body Massage

Extra virgin olive oil is undoubtedly the healthiest fat on earth because it is a rich source of monounsaturated fats, oleic acid, omega 6 fatty acids, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin K and antioxidants. Extra virgin olive oil is of the best quality that is extracted by first pressing of the olives. It can contain no refined oil.

10 Amazing Benefits of Olive Oil for Skin and Overall Health

The benefits of olive oil are numerous. A nourishing olive oil massage helps in relieving sore muscles and strained joints, and the powerful anti-inflammatory compounds present in the oil soothe arthritis pain, recover inflamed tissues and protects the skin against infection.

Relieves from Pain and Inflammation

This is one of the best benefits of olive oil for the body. Excessive strain, sitting in front of the computer for a long time or over exercise can often lead to strained and inflamed muscles and joints, although our instinct is to reach for over the counter pain killers, what it provides in reality is just temporary relief while what our body needs is a nourishing and intense body massage. Massaging the body with slightly warm, extra virgin olive oil helps in relieving muscle pains, spasms, sprains and inflamed joints. In addition, it also helps in relieving the pain caused by arthritis and gout. The massage works even better when combined with yoga exercises for back and legs.

muscle pain

Relieves Stress

Our lives are full of pressure and tension, be it in the workplace or at home, we are plagued with the nightmares of pending projects, deadlines, unpaid bills and family commitments. All these often push us to the verge of a breakdown and what our body screams out for is a way to unwind and relax the mind in a fulfilling way. This can be done with a relaxing olive oil body massage that helps in calming the nerves, increasing blood circulation throughout the body, improving energy levels and supplying overall nourishment to the body. A revitalizing body massage with olive oil works as good as relaxing Tai Chi techniques and meditation.


Helps Reduce Sun Burn

We all love the summer sun and the sandy beaches, but what about the ugly and uneven tan and irritation that is caused by sunburn? No need to worry when you have this amazing essential oil at hand. Benefits of olive oil for the skin are well known, and it is an amazing natural remedy to soothe and remove sunburn. Mix equal amount of olive oil and water in a bottle and shake well. Now apply this mixture and massage all over the body. The plant-derived anti-oxidants specially squalene, vitamins and phytosterols present in olive oil helps in soothing the skin irritation caused by sunburn and helps in lightening tan and making the skin tone even.

sun tan

Reduces Cellulite

All of us love to wear short skirts and airy summer dresses at this time of the year, but uneven, bumpy skin surface and cellulite on hips, thighs and upper leg region often makes us self-conscious and uneasy. Regular body massaging with olive oil is a natural solution to the question of how to reduce hip fat. It can help you get rid of cellulite and flaunt your legs without inhibition. Mix olive oil with ground coffee or make a mixture of 1 cup olive oil and 250 ml water and massage the problem areas of the skin with this mixture, let it stay for 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Do take a warm shower and massage the areas affected by cellulite with a hard bristled brush before taking the olive oil massage.


Helps Relieve Stiffness of Neck, Shoulders and Back

The modern lifestyle is mostly sedentary, and the majority of our work is computer-centric that requires us to sit for long hours in front of the screen. This often puts strain on muscles of the neck and shoulder. Some easy shoulder and neck stretching exercises or a re-energizing warm olive oil massage helps in releasing the tension from the neck and shoulders by increasing blood circulation and energy flow. Research shows that the chemical compound “Oleocanthal” present in olive oil works like anti-inflammatory drugs and helps in preventing the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes CoX-1 and COX-2.

stiff neck

Hydrates Dry Skin

The amazing moisturizing properties of olive oil make it a common ingredient in facepack for dry skin. Olive oil body massage provides intense nourishment to the skin and penetrates into the inner layers to keep it moisturized and hydrated. Olive oil is rich in health benefiting antioxidants and fatty acids that helps in moisturizing and nourishing the skin. The antioxidants help in reducing dryness, chapped skin, itchy and cracked skin and soothe irritations and microbial skin infections. It creates a protective barrier over the skin surface that prevents further loss of moisture from the skin surface. In addition, the antioxidants also preserve skin elasticity and cures uneven skin tone and discoloration. The beauty benefits of olive oil also include providing glowing, supple and younger looking skin.

Hydrates Dry Skin

Reduces Stretch Marks

Stretch mark is an ugly and nagging problem that is more common among women because their skin is softer and more delicate compared to that of men. Stretch marks may be caused due to a sudden increase or decrease in weight or pregnancy. Whatever might be the reason, it makes women uneasy and uncomfortable in wearing dresses that reveal the midriff. Massaging slightly warm olive oil on the affected areas is an effective stretch marks removal home remedy that shows quick results. While massaging the skin, make sure that the oil is completely absorbed into the pores. Olive oil massage improves blood circulation and hydrates, moisturizes and smoothes skin thereby making it soft and supple that helps in reducing stretch marks.

stretch marks

Slows Down Skin Aging

This is by far, one of the most common uses of olive oil for the face. Olive oil is rich in plant-based antioxidants that helps in reducing wrinkles, crow’s feet and lines that appear on the forehead, outer corner of eyes and side of lips. Both olives and olive oil improve collagen and elastin, the two main compounds that help in maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin in an intense manner and being loaded with nutrients, fatty acids, vitamins E and A, it helps in maintaining skin health and elasticity thereby preventing premature sagging and skin aging. Flaunt youthful and gorgeous looking skin by including olive oil massage in your daily skin care routine.

Slows Down Skin Aging

Reduces Dandruff

A complete olive oil body massage often includes a relaxing head massage, and this not only helps in distressin

g and releasing tension and anxiety but also works as an effective natural way to treat dandruff and flaky scalp. Being rich in vitamin E, antioxidants and nutrients, it aids in soothing itchiness and irritation of the scalp and moisturizes it intensely in order to reduce dryness. Apply slightly warm olive oil on head and massage for 20 minutes; let it sit for an hour and wash off with a mild shampoo for dandruff free smooth hair.

Dandruff Remedies at home

Aids Better Sleep

Sleep is integral to human life because it provides rest to the mind and body and lets the brain arrange its workings for the following day. A relaxing and de-stressing olive oil massage may help treat sleeping disorders and insomnia that is caused due to excessive stress, muscle pain and headache. Olive oil massage also helps in soothing and relaxing sore muscles, improving blood circulation throughout the body, lowering blood pressure and heart rate and empowering the immune system- all these helps in unwinding the body and promotes untroubled and soothing sleep.

why sleep is important

12 Easy Tips for a Perfect Olive Oil Massage

Now that you know the amazing benefits of olive oil, it is time to know about the guidelines following which you can give and receive wholesome and nourishing olive oil massages. One can opt for a body massage and an overnight olive oil hair treatment for improving scalp and hair health.

Create the proper ambiance by dimming the lights, putting on some soft music and lighting a scented candle. Generate a soothing a slightly warm atmosphere so that the person receiving the massage feels comfortable at all times.

olive oil massage

The person receiving the massage must lie down on a hard surface. Remember to check if the person you are massaging has any tensions, pains or sensitive areas.

Keep clean towels handy.

Prepare the massage oil by heating it and bringing it back to a temperature that the receiver can withstand. Mix 8 oz of extra virgin olive oil with 1/4 oz of mint or rosemary oil for the refreshing and lovely aroma.

Make the person lie down on his/her stomach. Take some oil in your palms and start massaging the back lightly by making a soft circular motion with your palms and fingers.

Start from the lower back region, pointing your fingers towards the neck and move up towards the shoulders and bring your hands back down to the sides of the body. Use a kneading technique to put pressure on the large muscles present on both sides of the spine. This area requires special attention because a lot of tension builds in this area. As you reach the upper back, as your partner to bend his or her elbows so that the shoulder blades stick out. This will provide better access to the muscles around the shoulder blades.

Use a press and release technique to massage the neck and shoulders. Use a kneading motion and press the thumbs deep into the shoulder muscles. Do not press too hard into the collarbone.

massage the neck and shoulders

Now work on the arms hands and fingers, massaging gently, with light pressure. Work one arm at a time for better results. Hold your partner’s wrist and lift the entire arm off the mat. Now use your hand to massage the back of the forearm, triples and over the shoulders and moving onto the opposite side. Take each finger at a time, pull them softly and slide then from knuckles to nails.

Use kneading motions when massaging the thighs and legs, working up to the feet and toes. Wrap both hands around the foot and apply pressure to the sole using your thumb. Put emphasis on the arch of the foot because a lot of tension accumulates in this area. Message the ball and heel of the foot. Grab each toe and give gentle pull. Provide long relaxing strokes to the legs from the calf to the upper thigh. Apply kneading pressure on the calf and then move on to the thigh.

Turn him/her over and start massaging the chest and stomach area with soft motions of the finger. Massage the face, temple, forehead and cheeks gently by using your fingers, see to it that the oil does not get into the eyes. Gently massage the top of the scalp by applying soft pressure with your thumbs. Use the fingertips to massage the temples in slow circular motion. Use your thumbs and forefinger to massage the folds and ear lobes.

Never rush through the massage. Work slowly and gently on each body part by giving long, slow and smooth strokes so that it turns into a relaxing and luxurious experience.

Finish off by wiping off the excess oil with a clean towel. A relaxing olive oil body massage is best finished off with a rejuvenating hot bath.

Hope these massaging tips will help you to give a relaxing and soothing body massage to your partner. Relieve stress and tension, heal sore muscles and stiff joints, and get amazingly smooth and youthful skin naturally with the healing touch of olive oil and don’t forget to share your massaging tips with us in the comments section below.

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