Avoid obesity and stay with during quarantine
10 Ways to Avoid Obesity and Stay Fit When Working From Home

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of society, and our way of working has not escaped its clutches. The work from home situation is a reality that very few expected, and it has been welcomed with open arms. While the work from home vs work from office debate rages on, it is unwise to […]

Work From Home in COVID19
How to be Mentally and Physically Fit While Working From Home – Home Isolat...

The pandemic has turned our lives upside down. We were all caught up in our daily routines revolving around packing lunch, travel, office timings, weekends, and outdoor plans. Then, the COVID-19 outbreak changed our lives overnight, landing us in a situation where we had to stay home, stay safe, and continue working from home.

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