4 Amazing Dance Routines to Keep you Fit and Attractive!

| Author: Manoja Kalakanti

An adult requires a half an hour of daily work out in order to stay healthy. But after a stressful long day, are you left with the required motivation and dedication to do the mundane exercises? I don’t and that’s why I rely on a different fitness routine which is equally effective and includes a lot of fun and entertainment. Have any idea what it might be?

It’s called dancing! Many might not know it that our body uses more muscles while dancing than it does while exercising. In addition, you do not have to remember your exercising patterns and rather just dance freely on the tunes. This does not just act as a refreshing time where you can dance, laugh and have fun with your family but also plays a significant role in toning down the extra fat in the body and strengthening muscles.

Dance Routines to Keep you Fit

Though all dance forms are beneficial to an extent and keep you fit, but some dances have instant positive and visible effect than others. In addition, it would be best if you enroll in such Dance classes. If not, you can buy a learn-it-yourself video and begin with your dance sessions. Furthermore, here is the list of some of such Dance forms and the reason behind their tremendous popularity as exercising routines:

  • Zumba: This dance form is fun to do, beautiful to look at and effective for your body muscles. To do it, you can find various videos in market which contain beautifully choreographed dance steps. This dance contains steps which concentrate on one muscle at a time and tone it. That means, while having fun in trying to memorize and emulate the steps, your body would be burning a lot of unwanted calories! Additionally, it is recommended to opt for dance classes over video tutorials as dancing is fun when done with a group.Dance Routines to Keep you Fit
  • Salsa: We all love this dance form. It’s elegant, classy and suitable for all age groups. 30 Min of Salsa session in a day can reduce your body’s arm and thigh fat quite considerably. In addition, it can also act as an effective icebreaker for you on a first date. Thus, if rigorous dance forms are not your forte, then Salsa is the Dance option for you.
  • Ballet: Considered to be one of the most difficult dance forms, Ballet tests your body’s Endurance. From facial expressions to correct body postures, this dance requires it all. So if you want a toned and fit body then this is a perfect Dance form for you. The facial expressions used in it are intense which acts like a great face exercises keeping wrinkles and laughing lines at bay. Quite contrary to what many think, Ballet can be done by both men and women thereby used as a great exercising technique.Dance Routines to Keep you Fit
  • Hip-hop: Present generation is a big fan of this dance form as it involves precise body moves in sync with the beats. So, if you are one of those who always wanted to learn this dance but could not spare the time, you can try it now as a fitness routine. It would not just be a fun filled time but would also help you in shedding some extra fat along way!

In addition to the above mentioned tips, you need to moderate your diet as well to attain maximum benefits. Thus limit the consumption of fat and opt for the fibbers wherever possible. If you are struggling with obesity then it would be beneficial to switch over to a healthy diet like Herbal Diet remedies along with maintaining a fitness routine.

Author Bio: Ashley Brown works as a freelance writer. She regularly contributes write ups related to health, diet and lifestyle. In her free time she plays guitar and play chess. She is also passionate about reading fiction and traveling.

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