Chemical Peeling of Skin – Expectations, Procedure, Effects and Risks

| Author: Manoja Kalakanti

Skin is the protective layer of our body. It acts as a mirror which would reflect your health conditions and it is the eternal beauty. That’s the reason why we show a special interest on our skin care. Most of us will keep our skin clean by trying home made tips to get younger and healthy skin. Some even use facial creams and beauty parlour methods to get good results. Whatever may be the method, it is very much important to choose an appropriate one. Mostly we try to prefer products that will not spoil our skin. There are many skin products which wont suit our skin. These products might lead us to various skin problems. So it would be better to opt for a medical method that is dermatological approved. One of such popular method is Chemical Peeling Of Skin.

Chemical Peeling of Skin

Chemical Peeling of Skin:

The chemicals used in this chemical peeling process are very much powerful, so one should not experiment with this on their own. It is always better to go under this treatment with experienced professionals. The upper layer of our skin is the old skin which is full of dead cells and in general your body has a mechanism to shed the dead skin naturally in specific intervals. The main concept involved in chemical peeling is removal of this dead skin using some chemicals, so that the new skin layers will be visible. This makes our skin look healthy and glowing. In general, most of us will suffer from skin issues like acne and pimples, for which we use simple homemade remedies for pimples and acne. These remedies might reduce the pimples to some extent but sometimes does not help in removing the scars. The chemical peeling of skin will leave back all the scars which are formed due to acne, pimples and etc.

Why this peeling?

Our skin may change when it is exposed to much pollution. Most of us will have this problem due to various skin problems like acne, pimples or even by the ageing effect. Hence, the skin might lose the glow which had earlier. These changes can be easily observed on the upper layers of skin. By this chemical peeling treatment, the upper layer (epidermis) and even the lower layer (dermis) get repaired. This helps us to obtain a glow in our skin. This peeling is not some new process, it is followed from centuries. Previously, Clyopatra, who is known as the queen of beauty is said to use sore milk to peel her skin.

skin layers

How this Chemical Peeling of Skin Works?

We always wonder how to maintain a clear skin without knowing about it. Usually, our skin has two layers upper layer (epidermis) and lower layer (dermis). In epidermis there are four sub layers, in which the upper layer is called stratum corneum, which is a dead layer and it is visible to us. This layer of skin generally is peeled off naturally in specific intervals, and a new skin layer is generated by stratum basale at the lower layer of epidermis . In chemical peels, the upper layer is removed and the pimples, acne, dark spots on your skin will be reduced. This is because the chemical peeling treatment destroys proteins in the skin, so skin would regenerate the damaged part naturally. Due to this our skin looks refreshing with a new glow.

wrinkled skin

All the dark spots and patches caused due to some skin problem are formed on the upper layer of the skin. As this layer is removed in process of chemical peeling, our skin seems to be renewed. The new layer is developed within 48 hours after chemical peeling . The lower layers of our skin contains collages fibres which are elastic in nature and helps in maintaining our skin stiff and strong. These will be in good condition until certain age, but in middle age those fibres lose their shape, resulting in wrinkles. Due to chemical peeling these fibres are set into shape, which in turn will reduce wrinkles.

What are used in Peeling?FRUI PULP

In this chemical peeling of skin, several types of natural fruit pulp and milk products are used as peels. These peels are also referred as fruit acids or alpha hydroxy acids. Different names are given to different fruit extracts. For example, sugar cane extract is called as glycolic acid, while apple extract is called mandalic acid. Even though these pulps are extracted from fruits, they are processed, purified and used in limited quantity as medicine. Therefore, the peeling process differ from normal usage of fruit pulp in facials.

Measures which should be taken before Chemical Peeling of Skin

  • Depending on the skin type and problem, dermatologists would choose the type of peel which is to be used.
  • It is important to remember that the complexion of skin which is from birth cannot be changed using this peeling, so one should not expect such change due to this treatment.
  • Sunscreen lotion should be applied to skin from two weeks before going for peeling
  • If the person have a dry skin, it is better not to opt for peeling, as this would deteriorate the skin condition.
  • If you have any skin problem before like eczema, psoriasis, then peeling should be avoided.
  • Diabetic and thyroid patients should not go for peeling treatment, as the skin naturally looses its moisture under the diseased condition.

Risks of Undergoing this Chemical Peeling of Skin

  • As the peeling is a time consuming process in giving out results effectively, patience is required to a larger extent.
  • This treatment should be taken only under experienced professionals, or else there is a high risk of getting skin infections due to this treatment.
  • If proper care is not taken there is a chance of pigmentation and other problems depending on the depth of skin peeling.

Though there are simple steps to prevent acne, we know that these steps will take a longer time. Chemical peeling of skin is an effective treatment, which gives you much better results. Proper decision should be taken while undergoing such treatments. You should always keep in mind about your skin type, age and sensitivity.

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