Keto Diet Plan for Weight Loss
Indian Keto Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss – 4 Wee...

There is not a single diet plan that has created such a hullabaloo in recent years as the Keto Diet Plan. Everyone is either on the Keto diet, thinking of going on Keto Diet or criticizing the Diet. Clearly, it is looming large on the diet horizon and whether it just a fad diet or […]

Vegetable Seed Oils vs Healthy Fats – 2 Food Recipes with Better Oils

Our grandmothers never thought of cooking their food in refined vegetable oils. But we chose to turn up our noses on the ghee and the full fat butter that they generously used to smear our rot is with! What ghee? Butter? That’s harmful for our hearts! But the truth is, they stayed healthy until the […]

GM Diet: The Fastest Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan to Lose Weight in 7 Days

Obsessed with losing weight? Tell me who isn’t! Every second person would tell you they want to change their body. Losing weight isn’t impossible, as many people think it is. It does take a lot of dedication and a little bit of hard work. Well, actually it takes immense dedication and a whole lot of […]

10 Best Vegetarian Bodybuilding Foods for Muscle Growth

Muscle building and vegetarian foods don’t go quite hand in hand because protein is the foundation of muscle building and some of the richest sources of protein are non-vegetarian such as lean beef, pork, turkey and fish. So, does that mean vegans and vegetarian don’t stand any chance of building muscles? The answer is “Yes […]

Benefits of Eating Sprouts in Our Daily Diet – Good and Bad Effects

Sprouts have always been a popular nutritional food for many diet conscious people around the globe. They contain fewer calories compared to other snacks and are excellent sources of vitamin K, C, fiber, and other essential minerals. Most of us are always sceptical about sprouts, as we still have no exact idea about the good […]

Top 5 Vegetarian Diets to Lose Weight – Veggie Diet Plan for Fitness

Did you find many people going veggie these days? Did you see many campaigns and awareness programs on going veggie these days? Well, there are many unknown advantages and benefits of going veggie in our daily diet. As most of us prefer a non-vegetarian diet that includes chicken, fish and eggs to lose weight, many […]

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