
10 Best Vegetarian Bodybuilding Foods for Muscle Growth

Muscle building and vegetarian foods don’t go quite hand in hand because protein is the foundation of muscle building and some of the richest sources of protein are non-vegetarian such as lean beef, pork, turkey and fish. So, does that mean vegans and vegetarian don’t stand any chance of building muscles? The answer is “Yes […]

How can I Gain Muscle Faster with These Proven Methods?

I wish I could gain muscles fast”! This is a common complaint coming from people who work hard at the gym, eat right yet aren’t able to flaunt the ‘gains’ they would love to. It isn’t easy by any means, and you need to invest in your 100%. However, if you are still doing everything […]

Strong Muscles

10 Best Foods and 10 Exercise Plan for Weight Loss and Muscle Gain – 6 Potent Supplements

Are you into the gym diet plan for muscle gain, trying to lose fat and gain muscles in the process? You and countless others are on ‘mission fitness plan,’ working towards getting the perfect body, but, wanting is so much different from achieving it. However, when you pair the two goals together, you get awesome […]

Add Ankle Weights

4 Best Effective Ankle Weight Exercises to Increase Your Height Growth

How does one increase height? Well, most of us have tried to find an answer to this question in our teenage years. We live in a world where we take our physical attributes very, very seriously and our height matters. But are there any ways to increase height? There is a wealth of information out […]


Everything about Strengthening Your Leg Muscles for a Better Legs and Calves

Are you someone who absolutely hates leg days at the gym? You will find funny images all over social media as to how leg exercises make you absolutely unfit for walking the next day, making you hobble and your legs feel like jelly. So are you planning to skip leg exercises? Not the wisest thing […]

Top 7 Healthy Foods for Long and Beautiful Hair – Instant Growth

A Balanced diet is necessary not only to maintain a healthy body, but also to provide support for other important areas of our body like hair follicles. Like every other body part, even your hair needs nutritional attention from all aspects. The cells and processes that support strong and vibrant hair depend on a healthy […]


Good Nutritional Foods to Build Muscles – Healthy Diet Plan

If you think staying fit is rocket science, then how about gaining that V- shaped look you dream for? Building muscles in not rocket science, it requires consistent hard work with discipline. Most of us assume that we can get our body trained perfectly at gym and build muscles with time. Is that all required […]

8 Faster Muscle Building Exercises – Important Workouts to Build Body

Men think that women are mostly attracted to guys who have toned abs and muscles. Women who are sports and fitness-oriented also think that they will look sexier when they go body-building. These are today’s trends that people hook up and wait for years to achieve. With the proper training, proper set of exercises and […]

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